Twenty minutes ago it was all I could do to keep myself awake on the couch, now that I'm in bed I'm wide awake. gotta love the irony.
I don't really post much anymore. When I do its rarely an update. (I think the last one was in April, but I can't for the life of me remember. I only keep this thing so friends who are far away can continue to keep tabs on me, and I them.)
After a series of calamities, I got promoted to Lead Bartender at Jai Thai. That went rather well, and i was able to undo the crappy work of my former bosses. I then revolutionized how our entertainment was done, and the bar hasn't been too much the same since. (which is to say, that I now have money nights.) In fact Jai Thai went so well, that I got headhunted. I'm now the Bar Manager of a place called Buddha Thai in Belltown. I'm still at Jai Thai, but I'm going to step out of my leadership role there because, well Buddha is my primary responsibility. I have keys, a staff who are counting on me, and I'm the one who has to make all the hard calls. Jai Thai has someone else who already does that, and he sits in the bar every night, gets free drinks and doesn't need me to stink the place up anymore. (I taught him quite a bit about how to properly be stinky!)
I'm moving in a couple weeks out of Northgate (thank, fucking god. the commute is a killer) to really nice Penthouse Apartment on 23rd and Denny. I'll be rooming with Mikey, and Lindsay who are, when you get down to it, my two favorite people. It's a twenty minute walk to one bar, and a twenty minute bus ride to the other. It means that I don't immediately have to get a car. (which is a prospect that I've been facing for the last three months)
I decided that this year is the year I buy a car, start actually saving money, and finally get organized. I'm guessing that by the end of the year I'm gonna have about $2500 to spend, so I'm gonna go for what I want instead of what I can get for $500. I'm looking for a 1994-1997 Honda Accord EX and I've found several on CL at different times in my range. Now all I gotta do is assemble the cash. it'll be a bit of pish!
I still haven't met any interesting girls. I am beginning to realize that A)My standards are very hard to meet B)I need to date a girl who is slightly crazy, if i get too comfortable I tend to get bored. and I wonder about C)how difficult it is to find someone to hold my attention for more than a couple of dates.
I think I got over something somewhere. When I was younger I felt the pressing need to be in a relationship all the time. I typified the standard of "Serial Monogamy" bouncing from relationship to relationship, never happier with not a care in the world. After Ch I guess I realized how hard relationships were, and I began to wonder if I wanted all the trouble. After A I knew that I didn't welcome the trouble for a while, but that I'd come back to it eventually. Well, its been a really, really, long time and I think I know how to hold my own when it comes to girls, and how to date them without coming off like a complete nut job (like I did when i started dating A in the first place.), but it simultaneously feels like I don't care enough to look, and that I'm desperate.
To be completely honest, I haven't actually tried to go after a girl that I was interested in a long, long, time. It's the only regular occurrence where I get shy and trip over words. (That's funny itself. I'm 28 years old, I've had 4 serious relationships, dated countless other women and I'm still like high school when it comes to the pretty girls. Its very, very frustrating.)
ok, I think I'm spent. it's 430 and i gotta be up in a little more than 8 hours, I should pull out the book and start heading to sleep.