Mar 20, 2010 22:59
Let me address some things to you. Your paranoia is a waste of effort on your part. We are not, nor have we ever plotted anything against you. When we were talking to Cody about catching Nat cheating on him, we just discussed that we would like to do that. Not how. There was never any plotting involved. And why that offended you anyways I don't know. Does it matter that Cody wanted a reason for her character to break up with yours? Are you so offended that she discussed it with someone else rather than you? You know, after you went ahead and had your character flirt with another without asking Cody if it would bother her or not. I fail to see the difference here.
We are not "backstabbing assholes" as you have so affectionately referred to us as. If we were, we would still be in that room, yelling in your face, calling you names and trying to get other people to dislike you. We have not done that. We LEFT to make another room when we easily could have kicked you out. Yes we told other people about what happened and invited them to join us, but we did not EVER tell them to stop talking to you. In fact we encouraged them to STAY WITH YOU if it bothered them too much. Tino decided to stay WITH YOU and we left her alone.
The few people with you in that room who are annoyed at you now are not like that because we told them to be. They're reacting to YOU and your behavior. Your paranoia, bitterness and general disregard for their feelings and their characters is pushing them away. They try to confront you about it and you either try to play the victim to make them feel guilty, or you get frustrated and say you're not going to talk about it and then put up some snarky AFK message, like you're above needing to discuss things. I don't know how to tell you this any clearer, but a GROUP RP needs a bit of this thing called "Team Work". "Compromising" is also another part of successfully interacting with people in role-play. I fail to see you even taking these things into consideration. Even your apologies are worded in such a way to make you look like the victim. Maybe you're not even conscious of it, but it's quite obvious that you're putting your feelings first, even though sometimes you mask them under "concern" for someone else.
I'm not going to say you shouldn't feel hurt over what happened. You basically got ditched by a bunch of people and that's not cool. But you don't even try to understand it. If it was just one of us, we could say that person was overreacting. But it was SEVEN of us. SEVEN. You can add a few more onto that now. That's over HALF the people who were in the RP. I'm sorry, but that says more about you than about us. Let me put this bluntly: YOU ARE UPSETTING PEOPLE.
We've been gone a bit over a month and practically forgot about you. But then we HEAR things still about what you do and say. We've tried to ignore them for the most part, since really, most of us wouldn't want to think of touching you with a ten foot pole. Yet it seems you still think we're out to get you, and it's... downright ridiculous. You're speaking bad about us to people WHO DON'T EVEN KNOW US. We never did that to the new people in our room. They don't need to have that stupid drama thrown on them.
I'll say this straight forward, if you REALLY start muting the people you don't RP with directly for absolutely no reason (don't even try to use that "they didn't interact with me anyway" line), you should be out of the RP. If you're only going to interact with one or two people in the room, go role-play on MSN or something, rather than try to dictate how other people should react to or act in front of you. It's rude. Plain and simple. Stop it. No one cares anymore.
Unlocked and not cut, because I'd love it if she found this. Though most likely she would say she didn't read it because it was "nasty." I'm so sick of this. Enjoy your NASTY LETTER, which is written without swearing or other NASTY practices a normal person would associate with a NASTY LETTER. Apologies to my friendslist