(no subject)

Jun 12, 2011 21:53

So, I took a little trip today....down memory lane. It started with me watching Brokeback Mountain and the bloody shirt at the end, which led me to thinking about the bloody scarf which left me longing to watch episode 122.

So I look for my DVDs that a friend had made me years ago with only Brian and Justin scenes and in the process I found CD's of pictures that I had long forgotten. I mean THOUSANDS of Gale and Randy pics, from filming to promotions to plays...everything.

I honestly had no idea I had that many pics! I must have saved every pic I ever came across. So after looking at about half, here's my favorite and least favorite ones so far. God...how can I still miss a show so much????

Goofy Gale is the best!

I hate this pic with a passion. This is NOT my Gale!!!

The HOTTEST gif/pic ever!!

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