Feb 22, 2008 15:23
Last night at New Community @ GCC was awesome!!! Dr. Bob just really knows how to speak to a crowd! I just thought that I would share the notes that I took last night! We are learning about the 10 Commandments and last night was "Thou shalt not commit adultery." He gave us 6 rules to guard against adultery. Looking back over these notes...I could say that this could be used in any relationship....especially in dating and engaged relationships.
1. Guard your heart (Prov. 4:23)
2. Control your eyes (Prov. 4:25)
3. Beware of seductive words (Prov. 5:3)
4. Location--Don't go near the door (Prov. 5:8)
5. Understand the consequences (Prov. 5: 9-14)
You will lose:
a. Years off your life
b. Your wealth
c. Your health
d. Your reputation
6. Control your touch (Prov. 5:20)
7 Recogonize God in your sex life (Prov. 5:21)
8. Hide the Word of God in your heart ( Prov. 6: 20-22)
Top 3 Marriage Myths:
Myth#1: There is one and only one person in the world for you to marry
- God wants you to be faithful to the one you marry
Myth#2: Marriage ensures happiness
Myth#2: If your partner commits adultery, you are free to leave them and find another
"Not all people who sin are alike, but all people alike sin."
Another Bible verse to look at would be Psalm 119:9 and Proverbs 6. If this interests you...you can also watch the service at www.gccwired.com Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!! :)