170 days! I can't wait 170 days! Argh!
Such a fanboy episode. Oh, Russel Davis. You could not be more of a fanboy if you tried, bless your little 100% fannish heart.
Also, I think I do approve of bitchy Daleks with non-delusions of their own supremecy ("How many are you?" "Four!"). And I'm sort of diaspointed that the Torchwood woman died, but not disappoited at all in Micky, Pete, Rose and Jackie, though I can't be the only one to think that it's freaky enough seeing, let alone dating, the double of your late spouse. I do think they'll all do well in Peteverse, even though it sucks for Rose.
Surprisingly funny, as well. It doesn't have, I think, the drama of the previous season finale, but it's good, solid Doctor Who, and it made me feel generally good about the next season. Except for the whole having to wait to see it thing, which is going to kill me.