Apr 29, 2004 00:50
I spent far too much time today interacting with my teachers, other then that, school was fairly enjoyable. I couldnt find my lab partner today, so I was getting super stressed out, and when I did finally find him, he had finished our whole lab report! I was so relieved. I found out that this guy named Nick is going to Europe on the exact same day as me, so strange! It was engineering lunch day, and today was a lady that I kinda know. When I got there, my teacher looked around and said, "Hmmm, good a lot of the civils made it." I think he was being kinda sarcastic because there were only about two of us there who were civils, then he turned to me and said, "well, at least the important ones are here", which made me happy. The presentation was really interesting, and while the lady was mid sentance, she looked over at me and said, "Oh, Jaime, I didn't see you here, how are you." It was so strange and funny because it was right in the middle of her speech in front of about 30 people. I was suprised that she even remembered my name. My teacher will be happy because it means I have been networking somewhat, although I really havent. Lab was so boring today because my teacher lectured for two hours before the lab even started. I kept falling asleep, so my lab partner and I started playing tic tac toe to stay awake. Tonight I went to see Javiers play, even though I halfway had to see it alone because Danniel didnt come like he was supposed to. Oh well. Javier did a really good job. After that we went to Carrows, which I havent been to for quite awhile, although I really should have been doing homework, but oh well.