Jan 25, 2005 22:08
La la la. Today, I had lunch with a member of the trinity of evil. And I think I was surprisingly restrained, given the circumstances. Though if other people had not been there, I probably would have given him a taste of the sharp side of my tongue for being cruel to my Layla. Fuck what he did to me...but grrrr about what he did to her. Oh well. Bullshit is all it is.
I have bigger plans for emotional trauma and killing of political aspirations in the future to waste time worrying about missed opportunities. Mawhahahahahaha.
Anyway, even though school has just started, I am already behind. And surprisingly, I don't care. Is this senioritis? I hope not. Actually, I don't think it is. I think it all has to do with being sick, and I hope to catch up the weekend. I will dammit. I am going to go outside, get some coffee and read my ass off. I cannot afford to get behind this semester, so I need to kick things into gear.
So anyway, I have been trying to decide what I am going to this summer as far as internships, and I see myself as having two options. One, I can intern for US Senator Bill Nelson's office in Tampa which is an hour from my house. But then, and more interestingly to me, the 2006 race for the governorship of Florida is starting up, and I would really like to work on Lawton "Bud" Chiles III's campaign. I think he is the best shot that we have at getting a Democrat back into office in 2006. Castor is his only competitor for the nomination and if she couldn't beat Martinez, then she has no chance.
Yes, I have aspirations of becoming the next Carville one day. Sue me.