I made a suggestion...

Aug 16, 2010 00:25

To the Writers Block people, yes I did! :D

I was really curious about something because it just popped in my head recently... It occurs to me, as a tall woman, how much people complain about my height sometimes, then wish they had it. I have moments where I can barely wear heels sometimes because I'll just hear, "You're making us feel short! You're too tall to be wearing heels! You're tall enough already! Why are you wearing heels?!"

Well.. I like wearing heels because I am a woman who likes to wear heels. Despite being tall, I like feeling extra girly once in a while...
Though it shoots arrows into the girliness when I end up taller than some guys.. ;3;

It makes me wish sooooo hard I was short again. Cause my boyfriend is already an inch shorter than me (he says he's 1/4th of an inch taller cause he's official 6ft and I'm 5'11 & 3/4, but I can see over his head! ;A;). Wearing heels makes me have to bend down to kiss him, and as much as I love him I cringe inside.. A little piece of me breaks. ;w;

So my question was: People want what they don't have. What is it about you that you find an inconvenience, but others envy?

Something along those lines...

-omgosh, they have an lj-cut button!! :D

But that's it. I retreat for now to do... something or other.. @__@
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