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Re: Hello there :D neofeliss August 7 2010, 03:22:02 UTC
Hee hee - we need to spread the love for Ricky Gervais. And Elmo. But mostly Ricky. :)

Honestly, I wouldn't mind Miley Cyrus so much if it weren't for Hannah Montana. She had a good run as the character, but that role has lived it's life and she should move on to other roles in acting. I adored her work in Bolt. And her music has been getting better, so she could have a promising career - like Zac Effron, who's breaking away from High School Musical and taking on serious roles.

In regards to the other entries, it was just annoying me that so many people were saying things along the lines of "Justin Bieber needs to die" (Um, hey? He's a ten year old kid, and while he's a bit too popular, he's not hurting anyone :<) and other negative things like that. I liked your post because it focused more on the positive side to the post.

But I digress, as I said the Twilight cast bothered me a bit. Mostly Kristin Stewart. XD

Thanks for the advice. I actually love drawing very much -- I have my own dA page as well!
So far, I've mostly posted fan art, but once my style develops more and I get more life drawing behind me, I want to create my own characters and stories. :D
Pixar is one of my dream jobs. X3 That, or Disney/Dreamworks/Blizzard Entertainment. :)

I need to finish Tutu. I have soooo many series to finish. :)


Re: Hello there :D jamina_chan August 8 2010, 00:50:30 UTC
FINISH IT!! FINISH TUTU RIGHT NOW!! I downloaded all of it from Veoh. If I could find the box set, I'd buy it, but I'm afraid of the english dub. I don't know how long I'd survive hearing "duck" the whole time. ^^;

And Twilight... I laughed through the entire series. But it makes me sad because I'm a fangirl for vampires, from the aristocratic ones to the downright evil Nosferatu, I like them~
Twilight made me like werewolves instead. ;w;
I feel it may have been better to focus on the werewolves rather than the vampires...
And I found a loop-hole so that the fourth book does not exist. The author kinda set a trap for herself by accident and tried to play it off. But it's still valid because it fits into her universe.

Anyway, yeah. I saw all that stuff after I made my post. People are so vicious about some stuff. :<
I'm not a fan, but I don't want them to die or anything like that. It's dangerous to make death threats, if something does happen to said person/people, police do check out the internet for conspiracies... Oh well. I find it pointless to rant when I have no control over it. Doesn't mean I won't do it from time to time though.
All I gotta do is change the channel. :3

Finally, lol. I know this guy at my college that just adores Pixar. He's a pixar nut. He always always talks pixar. it's sweet. ^^;

I dunno where I'm going to end up for sure, I may just end up doing college depending on how things work out for me.

And dA is fun~
They started a weird mural thingy. check it out :o


Re: Hello there :D neofeliss August 8 2010, 01:37:18 UTC
The dub is actually...not horrible at all. True, I despise the fact that they call Ahiru "Duck", but the voices fit the characters well enough - though I only watched the dubs for up to episode 6, which is also where I got up to in the Japanese subs. :)

I adore Ahiru-chan. <33 She's so cute!
((Btw, is your current icon a Furuba one?? Another great series XD))

I have no plans to read the rest of the series (I only read the first book), so what was the loophole? :D

Werewolves = love. Have you read the book "Blood and Chocolate"? It's a terrific novel, and is all about werewolves. <3

*applauds you* Ranting is good. Threatening is very bad. Very well put!


Re: Hello there :D jamina_chan August 8 2010, 17:37:06 UTC
You only got to episode 6?? Keep going! If you'll love it now, you'll love it even more! As much as you can at least with your mind being blown~
And in reality, I loved the english bloopers. XD

Umm.... The icon was made by


Re: Hello there :D neofeliss August 9 2010, 01:30:19 UTC
Ohhhh, do you mean that Edward Cullen couldn't have theoretically gotten her pregnant because his sperm should have died when he did? Since he's essentially a golem? XD

I avoided the movie for "Blood and Chocolate" as well. They made Gabriel such a jerk, and they killed Esme. *cries softly*

I think it was episode 6...is that the episode that follows the one where Mytho is scared of Tutu?

...the icon looks like Akito from Furuba, but it could be Toya, since Akito doesn't do anything. XD


Re: Hello there :D jamina_chan August 10 2010, 01:03:08 UTC
I just recently bought volume 7 from the manga, so I have no clue. XD;

And really, its that Meyer made SUCH a point about how vampires can no longer change and that a woman's body has to go through changes for pregnancy. Well, a man's penis is actually the only thing on the human body in the world that's constantly changing. It changes sizes, widths, constantly with everything that goes on in the mind. That being said, since her vampires cant CHANGE, Edward can't CHANGE his penis enough to get it up in the first place!!

And then not only that, who said venom counted as sperm?! Say what? If that really worked, I think snakes would be using their fangs a bit more, don't you think? geez... Just... The whole process doesn't fit into her little universe she created. Therefore, Reneeseme does not exist, and there is no need for the whole conflict that erupted when she arrived.
That and it pisses me off that Jacob became a pedowolf. He and Bella actually had a natural type of relationship that evolved in a good way.
Edward and Bella is just creepy and wrong and dangerous- SHE JUMPED OFF A STUPID CLIFF FOR PETE'S SAKE!! Just to hear his stupid voice.. ;^; oh god...
I laughed my ass off through the entire series. It was the only way I read it. It became a dysfunctional comedy to me, which is why I can't WAIT for Vampires Suck. yay~

Oh, and going back to the beginning of what you said: Yes, they should have. The sperm should have died. They're way out there because they can't handle heat, but his body should have frozen them at the least. Seriously... sigh..
I just loved how she saved herself though, probably not wanting a teenage pregnancy in her book so she made them wait till they got married. But its still a teenage pregnancy!!

Edward needs a restraining order against him.. >__>

But then, the Last Airbender was so damn awful I almost went to sneak into Eclipse, just to wipe my mind.. TT3TT

I didn't watch that movie.. I wanted to read the book and once I did I could see the problems from the commercials. >.>
Eragon was a nightmare...

I think it may have been around episode 6... But I don't remember spot on at the moment.. I haven't been at my best today. @__@

Akito... I can't imagine him enjoying... anything.. let alone coffee... kinda want coffee now.. >.>


Re: Hello there :D neofeliss August 10 2010, 01:20:48 UTC
See, I couldn't even read Twilight even if I could imagine it as a dysfunctional comedy. The writing is really just...horrid. Meyer needs to buy a Thesaurus and USE it (I have tallied how maany times she's used "smolder", "marble", "god", and "amber" in the same book XD).
But I digress. When I heard what happened in the second book in regards to the couple, I about flipped. It made me furious to hear that Bella tried to kill herself just to bring Edward back, and even after all the grief he put her through and basically left with no proper explanation, she still ran back to him even after Jacob promised a somewhat better relationship. :|

Werewolves are LOYAL, at least. Good puppies. XD

Oh thank goodness, a fellow fan of "Vampires Suck"! I cracked up when I heard they were making that movie. I might just pay money for that. XD

Eragon was a nightmare before it hit the screen. :< Honestly, I loved it at first, but after reading some series that were released before it (i.e. Dragonriders of Pern, Lord of the Rings) the boy had no original ideas to incorporate into a series. I dropped it pretty hard. XD

Akito enjoys his coffee black - like his mood. XD


Re: Hello there :D jamina_chan August 10 2010, 04:24:20 UTC
;A; !!!!!!!
You've read Dragonriders of Pern? I love that series! I have yet to pick it back up. I'm trying to go to Dragoncon this year to hopefully meet Anne McCaffery. I've met her son, AND got his autograph in my sketchbook. As well as played Werewolf late into the night~ They come every year and most of my time will be spent in the Weyer-room. X3

And yeah, Eragon isn't very original, but I love how the townspeople are depicted. Especially Katrina. She's so badass for a normal person it's not even funny! The towns people stood up to help the riders for once rather than just sit around and leave everything up to them while the girls play the helpless princess. That's why I love those books. *w*

I think I have a pretty nice group of people at my college that plan on seeing the movie. XD From what I've seen of the commercials, they pretty much made it into the comdey that it is. Because all that stuff really happened, except that it's GOOD. :D And the fans are gonna be uber-pissed and wont see what the book REALLY does! D: That book is gonna be practically educational to most of the youth who are hooked on it.

Oh oh oh, you see, I wasn't imagining it as a dysfunctional comedy. That's just what it is. And that's what Vampire's suck is going to show. lol

And once again, Jacob makes me sad. She ruined the whole point of the stable relationship between him and Bella by making it that he was just in love with her ovaries the entire time. sigh...

And I don't care how she tries to play it off. "It's simply a pure love that won't become romantic until she's older."
No. She's very aware in an adult way. She's very aware that Jacob belongs to her without any choice. She will mature in 6 1/2 years. No matter how you paint over it, Jacob is going to be screwing a SIX YEAR OLD!! geez.. ;3;
I wish Vampire Sucks had waited till they did the last two *shudders* movies... Then they could also show the horror of the last book. The crap that makes it all worse when you didn't think it COULD get worse! Ha!

Oh Twilight... oh dear.. sigh..


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