Sitting in class/Random dream

Jul 21, 2010 15:29

Reposted from ealier today on deviantart.

Yeah.. It's bad.. Sitting in Maya class slowly roaming more and more of the net.. But Oh. My. God... This teacher is killing me..
He just tends to babble on and on about stuff I'm not really catching..
I thought we were going to work on the cell phones to finish that.. I actually hadn't started on mine yet because thanks to a weird sort of tradition that I'm desperately trying to break... I keep waiting up late for my Friday classes. I don't have many Friday classes, but when I do. At the end of week 1, I'm late for that first. freaking. class. ANNOYING!!! It doesn't matter if I go to sleep early, late, not at all sometimes.. I'm just late for that class.
So I arrived in the latter hour of the two hour class and just sat and took notes. I was confident enough that I could probably replicate what was started and not be too far behind.. No.
I never got close to a computer with Maya when I had the time and right now, my memory is a bit too fuzzy to remember too much. I probably should go ahead and start it while the teacher is rambling about the peanut.. But I almost don't want to risk having to restart it.

Is it also weird to mention that most of this I'm typing while looking away from the computer? I'm watching the projection screen..  It comes back to me little by little.

I've been having weird dreams lately also.. What started it I think was the weird dream concerning elves and unicorns.. No wait, it was the superhero dream..

But yeah.. I had a dream that started out with elves, and I was this elf chick who had this special power to "sense things." What things, I'm still not sure. It was very vague. And I've apparently been characters in my dream rather than myself. She was hanging with this elf guy (who I later realized was a very mild version of my character Miguel.. Except he's a merman, not an elf! >< ) that I, the character, had a serious crush on.. That dream haunted me for almost a week because of the thoughts going through her/our head while hanging with the guy and it turned out that he knew everything.. Oh Jesus.. @///@
So then it moved on to where apparently the king was having a huge slumber party in his castle? Like EVERYONE from the village was there asleep in the giant ballroom. I was flipping' the dude's hair (never caught his name or I don't remember) when I "sensed" something and started staring out the window. The guy immediately woke up and we saw the invading elven army quietly marching down the main street through the city. We woke everyone else up and we all rushed out to battle.
And that's where it switched.
Suddenly I wasn't the elf chick anymore and I was watching an army of black unicorns (or maybe it was just uber dark) gather in this loooong ditch on the side of the city. I was now Merlot.. Merloo.. (Mer*Low), a dark pink.. magenta? it was dark.. unicorn who longed to be like her leader who was a huge black stallion named Scion.. Sion? (sigh*on). But i spent all my time writing ballads and operas (with hooves?) so I was never really a good soldier. He had actually caught me singing to myself and scolded me because I could give away our position and we had to wait for the original elves to be driven to the ditch where the unicorns would leap up and destroy them. (been reading too much Firebringer trilogy)
I/she got all starry eyed and said "I'm going to write a ballad about you!"
He stared and looked irritated and then i rose above them and saw this woman in a long dress. Apparently (omgosh! a break!) she was singing the ballad in Merlot's head but only the original elves could hear her. So they found out about the ambush before they were driven all the way to the ditch and split up in separate directions. So it turned out that the ditch was really a dried river bed the beavers had blocked, because the singer released the dam and almost all the unicorns drowned. ;3;
Soon the evil elves started to realize that something was going on with the original ones and tried to capture some to find out, but the singer ended up helping them elude them, sending floods from the blocked river and everything until finally the original elves, a small group of adults and children from the castle, escaped to a place that became it's own continent. @__@ In fact, everything got separated by the water, with huge chasms opening up and swallowing the evil elves. So several new islands/continents were made and the original elves escaped, but lost many homes..

And then I was the elf girl again, limping to my people with a long stick as a crutch and they all freaked out. Apparently I died like almost as soon as I turned the first corner. ;3;
Elf dude was gonna avenge me but that little area got confused because my body disappeared. Not long after that, they started hearing my voice singing to them, warning them, telling them where to go and overall saving them. Apparently elf chick merged with a sympathetic goddess...

There were also two other dreams... One about me having a shoot a dog... ;w; The owner kept making it attack me..
And another about this bunny rabbit plushie that turned into this red headed guy.. THAT was a weird dream. @__@ But sweet? I don't know.. >.<
This journal is long enough already.. >.>
Oh lord.. Back to the peanut..
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