Self Pity Moment

Sep 13, 2009 00:53

I think I usually do a good job of not complaining about my ailments. I'll never compare to my mother, who can only be described as inhuman in her tolerance for pain and discomfort, but I think I do a decent job of masking my own illnesses from all but my husband. Lately I feel like it's some sort of sick joke that my body seems to balance out my lack of complaint with more issues to make my number of complaints seem to be comparable to those of the average person. It's irritating.

I haven't actually been sick in the "caught something" sense since I worked on the Rudy campaign, but lately my body seems to be rebelling. It could only be described as comical that two weeks before my wedding last year I was in the hospital because I was almost completely blind in my left eye. I didn't have much to complain about since I was able to get some well-needed rest during my three-day hospital stay, and my awesome mother managed to finish all of our wedding-related projects. This year it seems to be one thing after another. This was by far the worst year I've had allergy-wise. As each season began, I felt like I couldn't imagine how my allergies could get any worse. Then the next season started and proved me wrong. This hay fever season is by far the worst I've experienced. I've been in constant pain since August 26th and have been popping benadryl and naproxen like they're going out of style.

I have done my best to stay indoors. Even with the drugs maintaining a near constant level in my blood stream, nothing stops the allergies completely. The benadryl knocks me into periodic bouts of fatigue, but prevents the sneezing for the most part. The naproxen helps dull the headaches, but they always hurt. I hadn't found a remedy for the post nasal drip or the pressure in my face. Last weekend I could tell things were getting really bad. At the end of this week, the pain in my head was excruciating, the area between my eyes and my nose was numb, and my vision was blurred. God forbid I do anything small. I went to the doctor as soon as the numbness started and he gave me antibiotics and steroids. Of course I have the kind of infection that antibiotics just wouldn't cut it for.

As we learned last October, apparently I don't tolerate prednisone well. So here I am, shaking, nauseous, and having hot flashes. Only 6 more days on a decreasing dosage. Please. Shoot. Me. Now.
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