Feb 24, 2005 21:01
As of 9:47 pm on Thursday February 24, 2005 I am officially finished with science fair :-) Go Jamie. hehe...I'm seriously so happy its over with. It's one last thing to worry about....
Speaking of worrying about things, the cast was informed today that it's only 3 weeks away from opening night. Scary...because we are so far behind :-\ I just hope we're going to be able to pick it up this next week and really focus....we have the potential to fcking rock...Blahhhh
I am so excited for this weekend...it's the first saturday in almost 2 months that I dont have to work :) And I'm going out with Scottie and hopefully going to the boys game to watch them lose (...kidding!) ;)....no but really, they can't go any farther in this tournament or i'm screwed:-\ hehe..
Girls lost to barberton :( It was sad I would have loved to watch them just kill bartberon...and I felt bad for Veal and the girls, but to be honest, I was sort of glad..not that they lost, just that the girls, especially Veal, won't have to deal with Cal's shit anymore....She's got a great future in basketball infront of her and she'll never have to hear him bitch ever again. And that makes me happy :)
This week has flown...but I'm still so glad its Friday tomorrow!
'ta luego loves.. :)