best week ever!

Mar 07, 2005 22:20

ha its like that show only a million times better! me and brice had our little sleepover and have been frolicking around babylon ever since and things have drastically improved in my life now that im not waiting for steve to come around and wanna get off our little break. i taunted alyssa today with brice at her house and then went to a concert at our school to see erin sing and jackee didnt take her aderal and freaked out on me and brice the whole time and i dont think i've ever laughed so much in the course of 4 days as i have these past few days. its crazy. im finally seeing i dont need steve to be happy, he still hangs out, its not the same but i still have so much fun and im a lot happier now than ive been in the past month because of my friends, especially my two best friends erin and brice. i didnt think i was gonna be able to get over me and steve breaking up, or at least not this quick, and even though im still not completely over him cuz we broke up like a week ago and i loved him to death and always will im really taking it well now and ill soon be completely back to normal and ill get on with my life and move on to other guys even though i really dont want to because i loved steve so much but theres no use loving someone who doesnt love you back so ill be over that soon.

BIG QUESTION! theres an msi show coming up in the hamptons and im trying to decide whether im going to that show or the tsunami bomb and damone show at the downtown on the same night. so whos going where. ive thought about it a lot and here are the pros and cons of each:

MSI show:
-costs $19 to get in
-its msi so thats the big thing thats making me wanna go obviously
-its in the hamptons which is really far and we hafta drive all the
way there like 2 weeks in advace to buy tickets cuz their only sold
through north hampton box office
-brice can probably drive us there and back cuz he wants to go and
then i wont hafta ride the train or walk anywhere and driving with
brice anywhere is awesome
-its something i might not get to do again real soon

Tsunami Bomb/Damone show:
-its $10 to get in
-i just got into Damone cuz their a pretty good band
-tsunami bomb is supposedly an incredible live band
-i would much rather see msi tho
-my dad refuses to go to the msi show so i can go without him cuz he
wants to see tsunami bomb and even tho hes cool sometimes hes still
my dad

eh i dunno what to do. james sez tsunami bomb brice and steve say msi. i dunno!!! o god this is the most difficult decision of my life!!!!
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