I saw this program on TV a couple nights ago about lampreys. Basically these things are primitive fish that attach themselves to other fish and eat holes in them. The problem is, lampreys are indigenous to the Great Lakes, and are a constant threat to the salmon fishery. Also, they're pretty freaky looking. Check it out:
So I had this dream last night (one of the few dreams I can actually remember upon waking up) about lampreys. Imagine if they actually did take over. Not just the Great Lakes... but the WORLD! So there I am trying to watch TV and there's thousands of lampreys slithering around on the floor, on the couch, across the TV screen. What an annoyance that would be. Thank god for the
Sea Lamprey Control Program!
I think somebody should make a horror movie about these things. Remember those horrible awesome Piranha movies? Imagine that, but with lampreys! SCARY! The problem is that in reality, an attack victim would only look like this:
But I'm sure Hollywood can spruce things up with some gory special effects. That'd be tight.
In other news...
I'm done exams!! YAYYYYYYY!!