Well lets see.....Can't say there is much going on. Been trying to get some spring cleaning done. But I have to tell ya, been working for a week and can's tell ive done anything!! LOL But you know when you have 4 kids running around, nothing will stay in its place for very long! The kids are doing good. Austin brought his report card home yesterday
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i'm actually looking forward to spring cleaning. i'm a neat freak. it's bad. needless to say, i haven't been able to clean to my own standards lately...lol so, that's one of the first things i'm going to start on when i get on some meds. right now, when i am feeling good...i'm afraid of doing something to make me start hurting again...lol i'm silly, i know. i have this weird obsession with cleaning...& organizing. my kids make a mess allover though. i always hated those types that don't even LIVE in their house & act like it's a sanctuary. i like to keep things clean, but we DO live here too. there's always toys & books about the house in strange places, but there's no bug infestations or nothing gonna happen. lol! actually, i'm not really sure we're gonna get too deep into spring cleaning here. we're wanting to move back to BSG if we ever find a decent place. that'a a task....they're all taken, i guess.
brag all you want hun. when you have a good man, it's worth bragging about!!! i'm not offended...god knows i'm always running off at the mouth about mine. i'm so hooked...it's actually probably borderline pathetic. everyone says i talk about him like he's god. =/ oh well...haha!
garsh, i wrote a book! eeek!
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