From the journal of _faeriedust *thanks hun*

Jun 10, 2005 23:26

[.It's all about me.]
~Hi, my name is...

01. Name: Brianne
02. Age: 20
03. Birthday: 02/05/85
04. Chinese Zodiac: Ox
05. Astrological Zodiac: Taurus
06. Home Town: Woodslee
07. Eye Color: Greenish blue
08. Hair Color: blonde
09. Height: 5'7
10. Weight: *blushes*

[.In today's world.]
~Today feels so...

11. Current Location: my basement
12. Current Mood: bored
13. Current Annoyance:none
14. Current Hatred:Tonni
15. Current Love: Kevin
16. Current Weather: HOT!!!
17. Current Time: 11:30pm
18. Current Date: 6/10/05
19. Current Clothing:blue Pooh bear shorts and blue Tommy tank top
20. Current Need: to go clean house

[.That was so yesterday.]
~de ja vu?

21. Last person you saw: Kevin
22. Last person you were pissed at: Tonni
23. Last thing you touched: the keyboard
24. Last thing you ate: a piece of homemade cake yummy!
25. Last person you talked to on the phone: my mommy
26. Last person you instant messaged:Ray
27. Last thing you purchased: cigarettes
28. Last book you read: Chicken Soup for the teenage soul 2
29. Last game you played: tetrus on my phone while driving home from the doc's
30. Last person you missed:Mason when he went to his dads

[.The future is too close.]
~It's so bright...

31. Where will you be living?:probably just stay here
32. With who?(if anyone):Kevin, Cody, Mason and Mackenzie
33. What will be your profession?: Stay at home mommy
35. Your future car: if Kevin has his way it'll be a mustang but we really need a van
36. Your dream house:a huge raised ranch
37. Kids?: I already have 3 but we want one more!
38. Pets?:a small indoors dog but we already have two outdoors and some fishys

[.Playing favorites.]
~I simply love those...

39. Favorite Color: Yellow
40. Favorite Animal: Monkey
41. Favorite Artist/Band:Eminem
42. Favorite kind of music:Rap and Country
43. Favorite month: August
44. Favorite weather: rain
45. Favorite sport: tennis
46. Favorite food: lasagne
47. Favorite stores: Wal-mart and Zellers, oh and scrapbook stores too
48. Favorite article of clothing:my black pants
49. Favorite song:I believe-Honey soundtrack
50. Favorite place to be: with my kids just chillaxing

[.What love life?.]
~Love is a battlefield... (hey i like that song)

A)- Currently
51. Single, taken, married?: taken
52. Are you in love?: for sure
53. If so, with who?: Kevin
54. Do they love you back?:I hope so
55. How long have you been with them? A year next month
B)- Perfect in Everyway [describe your ideal lover]
56. Eye color?: Blue
57. Hair color?:Blonde
58. Personality?: romantic, caring, loving, funny
59. Appearence?: doesn't matter as long as they are able to be themselves
60. Other: [fill in whatever other stuff here.] I think I've found my ideal lover

[.The bad things.]
~The bad side of me...
61. My last argument was about...: me being a bad friend to someone which I did all I could for
62. I'm guilty of...: trying too hard
63. I use profanity when...: people make me angry
64. I'm still mad at...:Tonni
65. My worst trait is...: I never let my guard down and hurt people along the way
66. I lied to...: Kevin about going upstairs in a few minutes, that was like an hour ago, sorry baby
67. I still haven't...: been married
68. I hate...:getting hurt and break-ups
69. I want to harm...:no one, I couldn't
70. I failed at...: math!

[.The good things.]
~Feel good about yourself...

71. My best trait is...: loving till I can't love no more
72. People like me because...: their crazy?
73. I like to...: take photoes
74. I'm happiest when...:I see my kids smile or Kevin tells me he loves me
75. I want to...: be a millionaire
76. I succeed at...: being a good mommy
77. The last time I helped someone was...:Brittany dry off
78. I wish for...: my kids to find happiness in whatever they do
79. I laugh when...: I fart *blushes*
80. Today, I will...: Go to a jack and jill

[.Word Association.]
~What word comes to mind when I say...

81. Banana: split
82. Angelic: face
83. Happy: smiles
84. Emo: elmo lmfao
85. Blanket: cozy
86. Blue: clouds
87. Deity: doilies
89. War: blood
90. Melon: round
91. Hate: red
92. Run: fear
93. December:snow
94. Best Friend:Kevin
95. Worst Enemy:myself at times and Mike for how he's treated Cody
96. Toothpaste: cinnamon
97. Television: Judge Joe Brown
98. Competition:medal
99. Love: warmth
100. Serendipity: a movie

~That was lame...

101. What time is it?: 11:42PM
102. Was this survey lame?: Naw it was cool
103. Where did you find this survey?: SOMEONES LJ
104. Will you force other people to take this?: No
105. How do you feel after filling out 105 survey questions?: still as bored as when I started!
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