Apr 15, 2003 20:17
My parents..
Viletrance [8:12 PM]: what are you doing?
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:12 PM]: ohhh. the normal. getting lectured.
Viletrance [8:13 PM]: that sucks
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:13 PM]: yeah
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:13 PM]: im all typing and not paying attention lol
Viletrance [8:13 PM]: I'm so tired of being lectured..I just ignore my parents
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:13 PM]: typin while im gettin bitched at
Viletrance [8:13 PM]: I just let them talk..let them have their fun
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:13 PM]: lol
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:13 PM]: well its questions
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:14 PM]: about my cell bill
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:14 PM]: in the 8th grade is was for emergencies only.
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:14 PM]: and they are startin that shit again
Viletrance [8:14 PM]: oh
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:14 PM]: sayin its not a "chatty chat chat" phone.
Viletrance [8:14 PM]: lol..OH, haha
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:15 PM]: and she was askin me about EVERY SINGLE phone # i dialed... if it wasnt home, or a family member
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:15 PM]: and then askin "how i could be on the phone when im supposed to be in class"
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:15 PM]: and how my phone isnt a pay phone so GINA shouldnt be calling long distance on it
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:15 PM]: she got me in trouble.
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:15 PM]: grr!
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:15 PM]: more trouble.. i mean.
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:15 PM]: yes.
Viletrance [8:16 PM]: that sucks...you should charger her
Viletrance [8:16 PM]: charge*
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:16 PM]: yea.. right
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:16 PM]: like shewould pay.
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:16 PM]: she never has money..
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:16 PM]: unless robert wants to go sumwhere
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:16 PM]: lol then she whips out the cash
InCuBuS PhAsE 69 [8:16 PM]: GRRRR!!!