Jul 10, 2005 15:42
name: Jamiee Nichol McClelland
nicknames: James, JJ
sex: Female
birthday: 3*7*88
age: 17
bestfriends: Kris, Trace, and Lisa
place of birth: Marquette, MI
current residence: Columbiaville, MI
hair color: dark red, more auburn i guess
eye color: Blue n green
height ; dont really know
do you bite your nails :Yuck no
can you roll your tongue: Yep
can you raise one eyebrown at a time: ha nope
can you blow smoke rings: eew gross no
can you blow spit bubbles: no, i dont think so
can you cross your eyes: yupp
can you flip your eyelids out: I wont try that-eww
tattoos and where: possible, one, one day but definetly not now
piercings and where: 5 in ears and belly button
do you make your bed daily: haha yeah right
what goes on first, bra or underwear: undies
which shoe goes on first: whichever one i grad first
speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone: not that i recall
how much money is usually in your wallet: between $5 and $20 usually
what jewelry do you wear 24/7: my bellybutton ring
whats sexiest on a guy: just jeans
whats sexiest on a girl: ha
would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great: late and look great
do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: Twirl
how many cereals are in your cabinet: like 5 i think
what utensils do you use eating pizza: depends on where im ate
do you cook: hah its recomended that i dont but i do on occasion
how often do you brush your teeth: Right when i wake up, and before i go to bed
how often do you shower/bathe: At least once a day
how long do these showers last: depends on how much time i have
hair drying method: straight down
do you paint your nails: yes
do you swear: I try not to, but it slips-a lot lol
do you spit in public: yuck no
do you pee in the shower: eewww
the cd player: Nothing
person you talk most on the phone with in the past week: well it would be aaron but ive talked to him online in the past week so, nobody really
what color is your bedroom: dark blue and hot pink
do you use an alarm clock: unfortunately
name one thing your obsessed with: being in a clean environment
have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: no
ever sunbathed in the nude: nope
window seat or aisle: Window
whats your sleeping position: however I fall, normally on my side or back
what kind of bed do you like: Big ones
in hot weather do you use a blanket: yeah, and air
do you snore: yeah i think so
do you sleepwalk: havent in a long time =)
do you talk in your sleep: haha yes, all the time
do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yes =) two of em, the bear nicole got me and the dog my mother got me =)
how about the light on: has to be pitch black
do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on: yeah has to be one of them
were kissed or kissed someone: Its been awhile
watched Bambi: Before I went to DC lol, it was recommended
cried: hhmm...
talked on the phone: right now
read a book: yesterday
punched someone: ha lakevill days...
where do you see yourself in 10 years: ugh still in college unfortunatly
how many kids do you want to have: it doesnt matter, i know i want one of my own for sure, but i also want to adopt for sure
your profession: Pathologist, crime scene investigator, or Toxicologist
future school: Mott first and then MSU, Ferris, idk
[in the morning I am]: uh tired
[love is]: one of the greatest experiences of life
[i'm afraid of]: Being alone in the dark
[i dream about]: Everything
[actually seen your crush naked]: heh no
[been in love]: Once
[cried when someone died]: Of course
[drank alcohol]: A few times, but Ive only been drunk once...
W I T H - T H E - O P P O S I T E - S E X ?
[what do you notice first?]: Smile, and eyes
[scruff or clean shaven]: either, depends on the guy
[tall or short]: Tall
W H O ?
[gives you a good funny feeling when you see them]: Aaron and Nathanial
[has a crush on you?]: Aaron =D
[easier to talk to: boys or girls?]: Boys, in most situations
[fallen for your best friend]: Unfortunatley
[been rejected]: Yes, who hasnt
[rejected someone]: Yes, again, who hasnt
[used someone]: Might have, but dont remember
[done something you regret]: yes many things
[smoke]: have before...long time ago
[obsessive]: ha yeah i guess...when it comes to purses haha
[could you live without the computer?]: yeah
[how many peeps are on your buddylist?]: 161
[which hurts the most, physical pain or emotional pain?]: Emotional
[i want]: a lot of things
[i wish]: Guys werent so complicated
[i love]: my friends and family
[i miss]: Jessie E, Nathanial, Dewayne, Jon, Nicole O...a lot of ppl
[i wonder]: waaayy too many things
[first real best friend:] Jessie Ekstrom
[first real kiss:] Drew
[first job:] haha unless you include babysittin
[first screen name:] I dont even remember, prolly Divadoll307
[first concert:] havent been to many...some country guy when i was little
[first music you remember hearing in your house:]Ha prolly Cher, or Gloria Estefan
[last car ride:] goin to meijers last nite
[last good cry:] oh gosh, its been a little while
[last libary book checked out:] ha dont even know how to at our school...I know, pathetic
[last movie seen:] One hour photo
[last swear word uttered:] shit
[last crush:] Aaron =)
[last cd played:] uhh...idk
[last item bought:] milk and candy last nite
[last time scolded:] July 3rd