Dec 05, 2007 16:47
Interview went really well, as far as I could tell. As I left the interview room, the woman who ran the whole thing leaned over and said "Well, didn't they like you." I said, "Wait...what?" to which she replied, "Dr. E doesn't sit and chat with just anyone." The man was engaged in conversation almost the whole time. Apparently he's usually very aloof with strangers and doesn't really warm up to newcomers. I guess that means he likes me...? I hope the other guy did too. All told, I think it was a success. Committee meets Dec. 19. Let's see if my feelings about it match theirs. I'll either have a great Xmas present, or be depressed for the holidays. Meh, we'll see.
Will post pics of puppy later when I actually get the time to upload them onto Compy. could just come to our party on the 15th and see her for yourselves. TOTALLY a better plan.
Corporate Christmas party coming up next week...looking forward to seeing some of my colleagues get shitted up and see what happens.
It's snowing! Maybe they'll cancel work. And maybe I'll sprout a dead fetus on the side of my face like Nurse Gollem.
That's it for now.
Over and out.