I don't know if anyone's been to Monument Valley, but...

Dec 29, 2006 22:01

Ok, so instead of going straight back to Fort Worth after my little sojourn in New Hampshire, I decided to head to Monument Valley, Arizona. I don't know if anyone's been to Monument Valley, but it's one of the most remarkable places that I've ever seen.

Don't get me wrong. I went to the nearby Grand Canyon 3yrs ago and that is spectacular, but part of me thinks there's almost too much of a good thing there. Maybe I might feel differently if, like here, I actually went into the Grand Canyon valley, but I didn't so till I do, Monument Valley will hold a special place in my heart.

I really can't describe the place. It's largely a simple, flat plane (it's not really a valley) in Navajo country on the Arizona, Utah boarder. Out of this plane, however, rise these mammouth outcrops of rock that tower over the floor. If you Google "Monument Valley," you'll see pictures that describe it better than I ever could.

The Navajo, who run Monument Valley (and only charge $5 for a car and driver), have allowed drivers to take their cars on a 17 mile tour (that takes 2 or 3 hours if you want to do it justice) of the plane. This means that you can disembark and just gawp at the scale of the place. I'm not one who usually gets impressed by that sort of thing, but it blew my mind. I've never seen anything quite like it.

Incidentally, it sort of depressed me in a way too because I wish I could take decent photos to remind me of the place. Don't get me wrong I don't want to be a professional photographer (heck I don't want to be a "gifted amateur" if I'm honest). I just wish the photos I take to remind me of a place didn't look like they'd been taken by someone on day release from some "public works program."

travel, america

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