Baby, Just Hold On - Chp. 5

Sep 20, 2014 00:36

Title: Baby, Just Hold On
Author: Jamie jamieall_over
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17 Overall
Warnings: Mpreg

The day before Christmas comes in what feels like nothing more than the blink of an eye, and Jack couldn’t be more excited. Christmas is his favorite holiday by far, and this is the first he gets to spend it with Alex as the two of them being husbands, and if that isn’t exciting then the fact that there are officially less than two months until he can finally, fucking finally, meet his baby boy should be enough.

Alex is excited, too; of course he is. How could he not be? Sure, Christmas is only his second favorite holiday because of Halloween, and he really can’t wait to dress the baby up as something cute, like a pumpkin or maybe a unicorn because fuck gender stereotypes, but right now he’s… He’s kinda, maybe, just a little bit on-edge. He doesn’t think anything bad is going to happen, no, he just thinks that Jack is looking particularly sexy.

The sweater his husband is sporting, though, is absolutely hideous. And the same goes with his pants and the boxers Alex saw him slide on this morning. He has to lose them before the older man rips them from his body, and that had better be pretty god damn soon.

The thing is, however, that Jack isn’t going to give into having sex with Alex, not until near the beginning of April. Next year. Which, okay, is only a few months away, but he has needs, damn it, and as his husband, Jack is the one who’s supposed to fix whatever problems he has. Last time he checked, that's sort of how marriage works.

But, really, he doesn't know what to do. It's not like he can seduce Jack; he's too fat for that, and it's not attractive in any way at all, what with all the stretch marks covering his body. He can't bribe the younger since he'd only scold Alex before sending him off to sit on the couch or lie down and take a nap in bed. He could maybe try crying, since that's helped him get what he’s wanted in the past, but that's even more unattractive than his enlarged belly.

He's just sitting on the couch, puzzling his options over, when Jack walks into the room. The younger knows something's up with how Alex is sitting completely straight on the couch, staring at the wall just above the TV, which is playing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. His eyebrows are furrowed, mouth set into a determined frown, and while he looks frustrated, Jack can't help but find it absolutely adorable.

Stepping closer, he plops himself down on the couch, nudging Alex's side gently, who jumps about half an inch off the cushion before turning to look at Jack, features now twisted with slight confusion.

“Wha’ya want?” the elder mumbles, turning away after realizing it was only his husband. If he looked too long, he’d start thinking dirtier things than he was before, and if that happens he may just keel over and die.

Which would be very, very, very bad for everyone. He’s come this far in life, in this pregnancy, and he’s not planning on having it all just get thrown away because of how Jack looks. The fucking prick.

“I wanna know what you’re thinking so hard about,” Jack answers simply, placing his hand on Alex’s thigh, and okay, there’s no way he doesn’t know what’s wrong. But Alex knows Jack wouldn’t tease him to such an extent, not when he’s the one carrying their child around, so he can’t be too mad. “We both agreed that you being in stress wasn’t something either of us would allow.”

“I’m not stressed,” Alex huffs, and even he can hear how pissed off he sounds. It’s not that he’s mad, not really, but he just needs to get off. It’s at that point where it’s an actual necessity, and he feels kind of pathetic for it.

Okay, he really doesn’t because he’s too busy trying to think of a way to get Jack to agree to have sex with him.

“I don’t know how many times I have to say it before you finally understand, but you need to tell me what and when something is wrong so I can fix it, alright? Just tell me and I promise I’ll make it better.”

Alex scoffs at that, pushing Jack’s hand from his leg and wriggling himself to the edge of the cushion he’s sat on so that he can attempt to stand and walk into another room or something. Jack will surely just follow behind anyway, so he doesn’t know why he’s even bothering, but he figures a change of scenery will make him feel a little better.

Jack ends up helping him stand before Alex even has the chance to try on his own, and that would be fine since he really wouldn’t be able to get up if it weren’t for the younger man, but then Jack doesn’t move from in front of him, hands curving to fit around his waist as best they can to keep him from moving away without offering up some form of an answer.

“Let me make it better, Lexy,” Jack pleads, but Alex just rolls his eyes.

“You wouldn’t,” he retorts, once again pushing Jack away gently before hobbling off to the bedroom. As he’d predicted, Jack isn’t even two steps behind.

“Why wouldn’t I?” the younger challenges, but he doesn’t sound annoyed or anything, just confused and slightly upset.

“Because you haven’t for weeks,” Alex mutters, lifting up the sheets to crawl into bed when he figures a shower would feel better. His back has been hurting slightly these past couple of days-wow an orgasm would sure take care of that for a little bit-so the water pressure and heat will relax his muscles-hey, just like an orgasm would. He supposes he could also attempt to jerk off while in there, which wouldn’t be nearly as satisfying as something, anything else, but it’ll suffice for now.

Jack doesn’t get what he means since their lives haven’t changed that drastically, except for there now being a baby in the mix, and then it all kinda clicks into place.

“Baby, we can’t have sex; something could happen and the baby could get hurt, a-”

“He wouldn’t get hurt!” Alex whines, throwing his head back as he drops the sheets and turns to waddle into the bathroom. “It’s totally normal for pregnant people to have sex!”

“It’s not safe,” Jack disagrees, and Alex can feel himself growing even more frustrated.

“If I can give you proof that it is completely and wholeheartedly safe and normal, would you at least consider it?” He doesn’t care how desperate he sounds; he’s just hoping it works in his favor. Jack seems hesitant to agree, and Alex quickly thinks of something else to add. “You don’t wanna have sex with me because my stomach looks disgusting, right? It’s all big and stretched; I don’t see why you’d wanna touch me either.”

It all quite obviously goes over Jack’s head-considering Alex is just such a fantastic actor-and he’s stepping forward to cup Alex’s face in his hands, tilting his head up enough to kiss his forehead. “No, baby,” he coos gently, placing more kisses against the elder’s flesh. “No, of course I do, but, baby, I don’t want something to go wrong. Do you know how scared I would be? I just want both of my boys to be safe.”

“It is safe!” Alex insists with a pout, and Jack can’t contain his sigh.

“Lexy, I do-”

“Just let me prove it, okay?” the older man begs, brown eyes pleading even further, and Jack can’t deny him; he never could.

“Fine, show me exactly where it says it’s safe to have sex when you’re this far along,” he prompts, stepping back and crossing his arms over his chest. He isn’t mad at Alex, and he realizes that, once again, the elder can’t control how his hormones are working, can’t decide how he wants to feel on a certain day.

Alex hobbles over towards the nightstand on his side of the bed, grabbing his phone off of where it’s been charging since last night, and tapping the screen to life before opening up the internet. His thumbs fly across the screen as he goes into Google, typing up his question: ‘how long can I have sex while pregnant?’

The answers are immediate, and he clicks on the first link that looks to be pretty reliable, since it’s on a hospital FAQ, and he skims through it before turning to Jack, smug and triumphant grin on his lips as he hands the device over.

Jack reads through the text on the screen, scrolls up to see that it’s on an actual hospital-run website, and he sighs, knowing he’s lost. Alex, on the other hand, doesn’t wait all too long before he’s stepping up to Jack, arms outstretched and another pout on his lips.

Jack doesn’t really know what to do; he wants to have sex with Alex, of course he does. There’s not much else he’d rather do, but he just… something keeps telling him no, that they should wait. He looks up, fully prepared to tell Alex that it’s not a good idea, but then he catches a sight of his husband and he feels bad, glancing back down at the screen to think a little more on it.

The FAQ does say that orgasms are actually good for the baby, since he’d feel the same 'euphoric hormone’ that Alex would without actually knowing what’s happening. In reality, they should've been having more sex than usual.

And, okay, it has been just a little hard to deny Alex for so long. But really, he just wants everything to go smoothly when the time finally comes.

Alex's arms are still outstretched, and they're starting to get a bit tired. It doesn't seem like Jack's just going to stop staring at the phone and pay attention to him anytime soon, however, so he reaches out the extra few inches and slides his phone from the younger's hand, turning a bit to place it back on the table before refacing his husband.

"You saw that it said sex is good, right?" he asks, trying his best to sound innocent. He steps as close as he can to Jack, stomach most definitely getting in the way, and he's just barely able to hook his hands around the darker-haired man's neck.

Jack's instinctively move to Alex's hips as he sighs, nods. "I saw, baby."

“So?” Alex pushes, biting his lip hopefully, in a way he silently prays is also somewhat seductive.

Jack doesn’t answer verbally, just sighs before leaning his upper half in over Alex’s stomach and connecting their lips. And Alex? He feels like he’s waited far too damn long for this, so his hands immediately drop down to the front of Jack’s jeans, fingers fumbling to get the button and zip undone as he pushes his tongue hungrily into the younger’s mouth.

The taller pulls away after a minute or two of being in the almost vicious lip lock, and Alex thinks that he’s gone and changed his mind again. He’s about to start complaining and whining when Jack begins to pull his shirt over his body, and okay, he’s fine with keeping quiet for a little while longer.

Jack gets Alex completely undressed in a little over thirty seconds, and then he’s pointing him in the direction of the bed as he works to slip off his own clothes, save his boxers. It takes Alex a few moments to climb into bed, seeing as how he has to sit on the edge and then shift himself around until he’s lying on his back, but by the time he’s got it, Jack is standing at the end of the bed, nearly naked and lube bottle in hand.

He’s about to pop it open and squeeze some onto his fingers before he stops, leans in over the bed to grab one of his pillows and bring it down, helping Alex lift his hips so he can slide it under his lower back. The difference isn’t huge, but it’s enough to make access easier, what with how Alex can only bend his knees to a certain extent.

"No prep, please, please, no prep," Alex begs after Jack’s got him situated comfortably, but that's one request he’ll definitely ignore. It's been weeks, and there's no way the sudden stretch wouldn't hurt, no matter how desperate Alex is, and there’s also no way he’d even think about putting his husband through that kind of pain.

He hurriedly lubes up three fingers, pushing the first in slowly. Alex, though he’s kind of annoyed that Jack won’t just give him what he wants when he wants it, can’t hold in the moan that rips from his throat, allowing his eyes to slip closed as Jack thrusts the digit in and out, adding a second and soon enough a third.

Jack had, of course, found Alex’s prostate after only a few minutes, and while he also kinda wants to get off with something that isn’t his right hand, he’s more so hoping that he can just get Alex off like this. He’s still worried about the odds of accidentally knocking into the elder’s baby bump and causing some horrible chain reaction to be set off.

Alex is panting, chest heaving and fingers digging into the pillow underneath his head as he tries to roll his hips back like he’d normally, but he can’t, the pillow under his back and his weight stopping him. It’s only a slight setback, though, because Alex can already feel himself dancing on the edge. He wants to warn Jack, to tell him to stop before he loses it and comes, but then it’s too late and he’s crying out, clenching around Jack’s fingers as his body lets go without his dick even having to be touched.

Jack pumps his fingers in and out a few more times as Alex rides out his orgasm, and he only pulls them out completely when he thinks it’s finally over. According to Alex, though, it isn’t, who’s already started whimpering for ‘more, Jack, please, I need more.’

“There is no way in hell you can still be horny,” Jack states rather deadpan, but the look Alex gives him says otherwise. He can faintly recall skimming through a part from the FAQ that said something along the lines of a pregnant person being more sexually frustrated after the fact, but it still seems kind of outlandish. Shouldn’t he be totally spent at this point?

This all just makes him wonder what sixteen-year-old Alex was like.

“Please, Jacky, please, I need… I need you to…” Alex whines, pulling Jack from his thoughts.

Jack is, for what could very well be the billionth time, back to being hesitant. Sure, he’s probably gonna explode if he doesn’t get off soon, and yeah, he’s seen that sex is a good thing during a pregnancy, but what if something goes wrong? He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if anythi-

“If you don’t do something right this very fucking second,” Alex starts, fixing Jack with the best glare he can, “then I will be filing for divorce by the time the new year rolls around.”

That pretty much makes up his mind and he’s quick to slip off his boxers and cover himself with lube before crawling up on the bed, carefully nudging Alex’s legs a bit further apart so he can get closer. When he looks up to meet the elder’s gaze, hand around himself so he can push in whenever Alex is ready, the other on the bed next to Alex’s right hip, he gets a simple nod and satisfied smile, and that’s it.

Alex is already moaning before Jack can even bottom out, muscles clenching and teeth turning his lip raw, eyes squeezed shut and back unsuccessfully trying to arch. There are quiet demands of ‘Go, go, go’ falling from Alex’s lips, but Jack doesn’t move, just sits with his hands pressing into the mattress and waits until he knows his beau has adjusted as well as he possibly can before pulling out to thrust back in slowly, keeping his pace almost teasing.

“Fuck, come on, harder!” Alex finds himself crying, one hand still furled in the pillow beneath his head as his other moves blindly down the sheets to link with Jack’s.

The younger can’t help but smile at the gesture momentarily before he fucking finally starts moving at a somewhat acceptable pace, hips snapping forward and heavy breaths and moans filling the silent room.

It doesn’t take long for Jack to find Alex’s prostate after that, and the taller man can feel his husband getting hard every time he pushes back in, the elder’s cock only getting friction due to the fact that it’s kind of stuck between their stomachs.

Alex’s senses are on overdrive, what with his hormones and the fact that he’s already come, making him even more sensitive to every movement than he’d normally be. He can, once again, feel himself being shoved closer to the edge, but he just can’t seem to get there, he needs more this time than last.

“Jacky,” he whimpers, tightening around his husband, this time with a purpose.

Jack has long since lost himself in the feeling and the sounds Alex is making, allowing his forehead to press just barely against Alex’s stomach as his hips move back and forth, occasionally shifting to kiss the elder’s bump-Alex is really starting to think he has a thing for that-since it’s really the only thing he can reach, what with it being in the way and all. He’s not used to not kissing Alex during these times, so he has to do something to make up for it.

“Jacky,” Alex whines a little louder, tightening yet again.

Jack’s attention is caught that time, and when he eventually looks up to meet Alex’s gaze, hips slowing in fear that he’s done something wrong, Alex makes an odd strangled noise, trying to move his hips back and up before realizing, just as he had earlier, that he can’t for too many reason to even count.

Instead of telling him straight-out what he wants, he offers up nothing more than a quiet, “Please,” eyes doing all the begging as he shifts back one more time to get his point across.

Jack has to take a moment to let everything process, and then he’s looking down at Alex’s dick leaking against his come-covered stomach, and he slows his pace impossibly further as he tries to think of a way to handle the situation. He doesn’t know how he’s going to get both him and Alex off considering it’d be a little difficult to jerk him off while his own abdomen would knock against his hand.

After a few moments of ignoring Alex’s pleads and demands and threats of divorce, he sits back on his calves a bit more, arching his back away. He picks the pace back up as his right hand moves to grip at Alex’s cock, only needing to give a few quick tugs before his man is spilling over the edge once more.

It isn’t even the feeling of his husband tightening around him even more than before that set him off, no, it’s the face and noises he make that have Jack letting go.

Normally, he’d collapse into Alex, their chests meshing as they swap lazy kisses to come down from their highs. This time, however, he uses the hand still pressed on top of the mattress, the one Alex’s fingers are still laced with, to keep himself up as he evens out his breathing.

When he figures he’s as calm as he’s gonna get, he pulls out and takes his hand from his husband’s, moves from between Alex’s legs to face plant on his side of the bed. It’s silent, save their heavy breathing, and Jack only rolls over to look at his man when he feels the bed shifting.

“Where you goin’, baby?” he asks quietly, just wanting Alex to lie back down so they can sleep. They can get dressed later.

“Need a shower,” Alex explains, already having managed to sit himself up on the edge of the bed and pushed himself to his feet before he’s started moving to the bathroom for the second time. However, he stops just outside the door, turning to Jack and asking, “Can you turn the water on for me?”

Jack is tired, fucking exhausted, but he nods all the same, standing to his feet and stumbling the few steps to the bathroom, where Alex is already waiting patiently for him.

“Do you need anything?” Jack asks, reaching in to test out the temperature of the water, and when Alex shakes his head, he ducks down to kiss him, deeming the water to be just right. “Call me if you do, okay?”

“’Kay,” Alex agrees, pulling him back down for another quick kiss. “Thanks, Jay,” he mumbles against the taller’s lips, “love you.”

“Love you, too, baby,” Jack responds, pulling away to head out of the bathroom. He’s too damn tired to shower. Not that he’d be able to sleep while Alex is in the shower since something could happen, but he just needs to relax and let his brain fully catch up with his body.

Alex steps into the shower only when Jack is gone, the younger having left the door only slightly open so that he’d not miss a cry of distress but closed enough to not let the air get too cool, and what with the fact that he isn’t feeling as horny anymore, the shower only seems that much better.

That is, of course, until he hears Jack saying, “Oh, I know you’ve probably forgotten, but both our parents are gonna be here tomorrow morning.”

And Alex loves his parents, he really does, but he had completely forgotten.

Well, fuck.

all time low, mpreg, jack barakat, barakarth, alex gaskarth, nc-17, jalex, chaptered, atl

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