I'll Be Your Teacher

Sep 18, 2014 01:18

Title: I'll Be Your Teacher
Author: Jamie jamieall_over
Pairing: Jack Barakat/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: "So... what was it like?"
A/N: ah first post here let's hope i didn't fuck this up

“There's no way you gave a blow job to the Alex Gaskarth. Not Mr. Fuckin' Popular.”

“I did!” Jack insisted as he threw himself back on Diana's bed. “I swear to everything Holy, Di, that I gave head to the Alex Gaskarth. He said I was the best he ever got and that he plans on fucking me at the next party.”

Diana shook her head, hand reaching out to shove playfully at the arm closest to her. “Shut up, he did not. Maybe you were plastered, too. Who's to say you weren't, like, drugged or something?”

Jack's head turned to look at where the younger girl was sitting on her pillows with her legs hugged tightly to her chest, her chin resting on her knees, and her back barely touching the headboard. Her long, half-brown and half-blonde hair (which looked like his own but with the colors flipped because "it'll show our friendship, Jack, how cute is that?!") was falling into her eyes, but she made no move to push it away as she stared at him, challenging him to make some sort of retort.

“Maybe I was,” he eventually shrugged, “but I know for a fact that I sucked Alex Gaskarth's dick.” With that, his gaze returned to the ceiling before his eyelids slipped shut.

It was silent between the two. Jack was waiting for Diana to reply, and Diana was... well, she was thinking. She wanted to ask, but she couldn't. That'd be weird, wouldn't it? Shouldn't she already know? Would he just laugh at her?

Well, she thought, we're best friends, so it's not like we don't already make fun of each other or anything as it is.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and braced herself for the inevitable repercussions.

“So... what was it like?”

“What was what like?” Jack inquired, not opening his eyes or shifting in any way.

“Like... what was it like to... y'know? How did it feel?” she tried. She could feel the temperature in the room rise considerably as her entire body flushed. When no immediate answer was given, she peeked her right eye open just enough to see her best friend.

Sure enough, Jack was once again looking at her. His thick eyebrows were furrowed on his forehead and his thin lips held an almost taunting smirk. “What was it like to give him a blow job? It felt like I had his dick in my mouth. I don't know. The same as having any other guy's dick in your mouth, I guess? He was bigger than I thought he'd be, that's for sure.”

“No, but, like,” she said, groaning in pure frustration when the words just wouldn't come to her. Diana's eyes opened fully, pupils trained directly at the elder teen in hopes that they would convey what she was trying to say without her actually having to say it. Jack's features no longer held that jokingly teasing air about them, and he looked nothing short of utterly confused. Sighing, her forehead dropped to her knees and she was muttering out, “I've never given one, okay? I just... what was it like?”

“You've never given one?” Jack echoed, earning a disgruntled noise from the girl to the right of him. “Uh... well, like I said, it was like having a dick in my mouth. I guess it'd be like shoving an entire pickle in your mouth all at once,” he offered. “I mean, it didn't taste like a pickle or anything, but it was pretty hot. He kept moaning my name, y'know? Like... it was weird, but a good weird.”

Diana took a moment to absorb everything she'd been told before lifting her head enough to see him again. The next words that passed her lips surprised them both.

“Will you teach me?”

“Teach you? How to give a dude a blow job? I don't really know how I'd teach y-”

“Yeah, I don't know how you'd teach me when you've got a perfectly working dick stuffed in those jeans, either,” she said with a roll of her icy, blue eyes.

Jack was about to protest her sarcasm because he knew damn well that he had a fully-functioning dick in his pants, but then he actually thought about what she'd meant. “Are you saying,” he started, teeth chewing at his bottom lip as he deliberated his words, “that you wanna, like... give me a blow job?”

Diana shrugged. “Well, it's just that I don't know how, and you do, plus you actually know what feels good, and it won't be as embarrassing if I'm no good at it if I practice with you than on someone else who expects me to know what to do, and it’s not like anyone else is home right now so we don’t have to worry about being caught or anything.” Really, it all made total sense in her mind.

The seventeen-year-old boy was suddenly much more into the idea. “Are you gonna want something in return?” he questioned, propping himself up on his elbows before moving to mirror Diana's position at the foot of her bed.

She had to think about it for a moment before shaking her head. “I don't think you could turn me on,” she decided without putting much thought into her words. When Jack stood and made to leave her room altogether without another word, she tried to patch the damage she'd caused to his ego. “Not that you couldn't, but I just don't really see anything all that turn-on-y about having a dick down my throat.”

“Well, then why do you even want to do this?” he asked, turning to face her.

“I don't really plan on being a virgin forever,” she muttered. “It'd be good to have some skills other than just hand jobs for when I actually get a serious boyfriend or something.”

Jack sighed but got himself comfortable on the sheets once more, that time much closer. “You're lucky I like you,” he teased, hands reaching out to pry her arms from around her legs. “If this gets too weird, let me know and we can stop.” With that, he closed the gap between them and pressed their lips together.

It wasn't the first time they'd kissed, what with the fact that on more than one occasion they'd had to pretend to be dating so that some creep would back off of Diana, but that time it felt different. It wasn't rushed or forced like all of their other kisses. Not necessarily loving or special but definitely slower.

Honestly, it was already a little too weird for her.

Pulling away, Diana made sure to move her hands to rest gently against Jack's chest to push him back in case he tried to move in again. When the breath she'd lost with the kiss was regained, she realized that he was staring at her, waiting for her to make the first move.

“I... sorry, it's just... you're not gonna fall in love with me after this or something, right? I mean, that always happens in the stories I've read, an-”

“You read stories where the girl gives the dude a blow job and then he ends up falling in love with her, yet you don't know how to give one?” he said, cutting her off.

Diana was admittedly flustered by that, mouth dropping open and snapping closed a few times before she could think of something to reply with. “Well, no, that's not what I meant, but in stories the two best friends do something together that's generally a couple's thing and then end up in love, and I love you now as it is, but I'm not that fuckin' cliché, and I don't want you getting hurt just because I wanted to know how to give head.”

Jack pushed forward despite her weak attempts of keeping him at bay, lips pressing kisses down her neck as he mumbled back, “I'm not cliché either, y'know. Just fuckin' go with it. I didn't 'fall in love' with Gaskarth, and I won't with you.”

Diana wanted to respond with the fact that Alex hadn't been the one to go down on him, but then Jack's teeth were scraping against her pulse point and a breathless moan escaped from deep within her chest. The noise hit the elder teen hard where it mattered, endorphins seeping into his brain faster than he could blink. In Jack's mind, there was nothing hotter than hearing people moan because of him.

Despite both of their displeasure, he soon worked his way back up. When he reached her jaw, he pulled away.

“If I remember correctly,” he started, having to get a slight hold over himself after hearing her pant directly in his ear, “you're supposed to be the one going down on me.”

The young woman nodded and grabbed at the collar of his shirt, twisting their bodies around enough until she could straddle his waist. She could feel his hard on just barely pressing into her ass, and with a confidence neither was truly sure she possessed, she grinded back briefly before leaning down to capture him in another, much more heated kiss.

Diana, who was so sure only minutes prior that she wouldn't get turned on, honestly couldn't help the natural chemicals that started to pump through her system. The girl that had stumbled over her words and turned crimson at the mere thought of asking her best friend about blow jobs was gone, replaced by hormones that told her she needed to get the show on the road as soon as possible.

It was the knowledge that she had Jack groaning beneath her that gave her the boost she required to push his shirt up, fingers curling into the hem of the fabric to tug it over his head completely. She'd seen Jack shirtless before-she'd seen him in nothing but bright pink briefs, too-so that wasn't an issue. It wasn't an issue as she kissed and licked her way down his gently heaving chest, nor as she undid the zip of his jeans with her teeth.

The problem arose immediately after, though, at about the same time the boy's dick did from his boxers' confines.

The sight of a cock wasn't something new, but it was... well, she didn't necessarily know what to do with it. She'd given hand jobs, sure, quite a few times, but she'd never given them to her best friend. The weight of their situation fully caught up with her at around that point, and all she could do was stare down at his length, curved up and leaking the slightest bit of pre-come from the tip.

Jack took that the wrong way, of course, and sat up a bit to reach for her hand, wrapping it around himself for her.

“It's easy,” he murmured with a gasp. His hand was still holding onto hers, showing her how to touch him to get him wriggling and arching on her sheets. He was too lost in the pleasure to truly notice her sudden hesitance. “Take your time with me, okay?”

She nodded, wide eyes still locked on the movements of her hand as he removed his. For a moment she couldn't remember why she was jerking her best friend off in her bed or how it had even gotten to that point, and then it all came rushing back like a tidal wave and she was looking up to him for some sort of further guidance into the unknown.

The elder was still sitting up enough to look down at her, forearms propping his upper half in the air as his hips rolled into her hand. When he noticed that her gaze had shifted from his cock and to his face, he did his best to grin in reassurance.

“Just... just don't over-think it,” he instructed. Diana nodded, allowing her pupils to flick between her hand and the dark eyes staring back. “Okay, so first you just kinda... like, lick the head,” he said.

With one more apprehensive look down at what she was about to stick in her mouth, she poked out her tongue (in a way that was probably a lot more unattractive than it should've been) and ran the flat of the wet muscle against the tip.

An odd mix of both sweet and salty spread across her taste buds, causing her to pull back and look up to him. Jack was leaned back just a little further than before, his head tilted away with his eyes closed and his mouth open. There was no noise, but Diana figured his reaction was a good one.

Her hand continued working him, fingers squeezing and wrist flicking on occasion, as she waited for him to give her another sense of direction. Surely there was more to learn. If he, for whatever reason, came before she could really learn what else to do, it would feel like a complete waste.

The older boy's eyes peeled open slowly, breathing still a little heavier than normal. He sat himself back up the way he'd been before after another moment and looked down to Diana once more. Her teeth were pressed gently into her bottom lip, her eyes glazed over with uncertainty, and while it was kind of a turn-on for Jack that she was seeking his verbal approval, he could read the underlying meaning in her gaze. What kind of best friend would he be if he couldn't?

The boy's right hand once again reached out for her wrist, pulling at it until she let him go completely. A sort of hurt spread across Diana's face (had she been doing something too wrong?), causing Jack to sigh.

“Look, Di, it's... maybe we should just stop now,” he started, looking her straight in the eye so that she could see he wasn't trying to be rude about it. “It's ju-”

“You didn't like it,” she concluded, sighing heavily. Jack will forever swear that the hot rush of air against his dick didn't make him squirm.

“Don't really have much to base your talents off of,” he mumbled. His fingers slackened around her wrist before slipping down enough to curl around her own extremities, squeezing in reassurance. “You were doing great, but you're just not ready for it. I've known you for, what, seven years now? I know when you're uncomfortable with something, Di. We'll try again later. Just let me go take care of this in the bathroom a-”

“I'm not uncomfortable,” she rushed out, tugging her hand away from his and gripping the base of his cock. He almost lost his argument when her tongue rubbed against his slit again, but then he was using his hands to push his body further up the bed and away from her.

“You are,” he disagreed. “I can see it in your eyes.”

It was Diana's turn to sigh before she was crawling her clothed body up to hover over his, noses no more than mere inches from touching. “I'm not that uncomfortable. This is all just really new for me.” As she talked, her right hand once again moved down his body, grasping at him and slowly restarting the steady flicking of her wrist that she'd pretty much mastered only minutes prior. “Just tell me what I have to do, and I'll try to stop being so awkward.”

A quiet groan in response and then she was sliding back down his body. When Diana was repositioned at the end of her mattress and between Jack's legs, she flicked the tip of her tongue against the head (the taste no longer making her internally cringe), eyes boring up at her best friend as she awaited further instruction.

Jack leaned back fully, arms pressed to the sheets below his back as he steadied his breathing. With his eyes closed and his mouth just barely gaping open, he finally said, “I’m sure you’ve, uh... you’ve heard the ‘like a Popsicle but not as tasty’ comparison, and that's pretty true. Just, y’know... lick it all and try to fit as much in your mouth without choking as possible.”

Diana nodded, gaze moving back down before she was leaning in to wrap her lips around the tip, her tightened fist grasping his base firmly. She continued to swish her tongue over his slit in an attempt to clear away some of the pre-come, too focused on the task to realize that it was futile, before changing her tactic up a bit. Instead of just licking, she tried sucking.

It was too forceful at first, as though she was trying to get a thick smoothie through a straw, and honestly, the assaulting sensation was a little painful on both ends.

“Dude, too rough, chill,” Jack said as his hips did their best to move away, and a relieved breath pushed itself through Diana’s nose as she did her best to relax into it, glad that she didn’t have to put in as much effort as she’d been.

It was still slow going, however. A little more of Jack was taken in every few slow bobs of Diana’s head, but no matter how far she went down, it still didn’t seem like she was taking enough. In Jack’s mind, it was more than enough. Well, any teenage boy getting an unexpected blow job without having to do something in return would think the same thing, but still. For her first time, Diana was (surprisingly) doing pretty damn well.

The young girl, after another few moments of just the first inch and a half or so slipping in and out of her mouth, decided Fuck it, and moved the hand that was covering his base. With her eyes squeezed closed as tightly as she could make them, she was sinking down.

She would’ve gotten all the way, too, if it hadn’t been for how tight the muscles in her neck were to begin with. Factoring in the constrictions caused by his cock just barely hitting the back of her throat only made it all that much worse.

If it had been anyone else on his dick, Jack probably would’ve tried to hold their head down like that in his lap, and he was close to doing so with Diana, but then he remembered just who was sucking his dick and why she was doing it. Figuring it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to choke her on her first attempt, he let Diana pull off without a single (verbal) complaint. His teeth did sink into his bottom lip to hold in his annoyed groan, but even the thought of making one slipped from his mind at the sound of her desperate coughing.

“I told you not to choke yourself,” he reminded her, allowing his eyes to slip open and tilting his head enough to look down at her. A middle finger was all he received in response. When her coughing fit had ceased, her left hand moved back to grip his shaft again, her fingers curling and tugging gently, just enough to keep him going. “Okay, so now… shit, okay, don’t try and take anything past your hand. Just… just lick everything and keep your hand moving.”

Diana nodded before setting back to work, that time only sucking carefully on the head before moving her hand and licking up from the base on the underside, the tip of her tongue flicking gently against the ridge of the head. The process was repeated only another handful of times before she got bored with it and slowly let her mouth sink down around him.

Jack couldn’t help how his hips nudged up just that little bit each time she bobbed down. He couldn’t help the groans he made or how tightly his fingers clenched into the sheets beneath his back. He also couldn’t help how the heat in his lower abdomen began to spread, the tightening of his balls becoming more apparent with each second that passed.

Then he got an idea.

“Dude, suck on my balls or something,” he instructed, sitting up a little further on his forearms, legs opening just a bit more so that she’d have enough room to properly reach them.

Diana internally cringed at the request, but soon pulled her mouth off of his dick, replacing it with her dainty hand. Her wrist flicked this way and that at a decent pace, slow enough for her to press kisses down his length yet quick enough for him to continue to be willingly shoved closer to the edge.

A shiver wracked up Jack’s spine at the feel of those lips, plump and perfect, suctioning against his left ball. The more attention she paid to the area, the harder it was for him to hold back. He could feel it creeping through his body, that unadulterated sensation of complete Nirvana, but the fact that he couldn’t quite reach it had him feeling like he was going insane. With thoughts clouded too heavily with desire for him to even think straight, he was spluttering out his final instruction: “Di, look up at me, fuck.”

The young woman did as told, blue eyes looking up through her eyelashes to see her best friend staring back. It was weird, but it was… it was a good weird. She’d seen Jack horny before (because the boy himself had the sex drive of at least five other teens their age), but she’d never seen him so strung out. She’d deny it all the way to her very grave that the sight sent a flare of heat between her own legs.

“Fuck, fuck,” he gasped, finding himself momentarily transfixed on how wide her pupils were, how dark the light irises had become in only a matter of twenty minutes, tops. “Fu-shi-I’m gonna come,” Jack stuttered, eyes clenching together tightly as a way to keep himself under control, to hold on just a little longer.

It was the feeling of those lips once again wrapping around his tip that had him throwing his head back and letting out a short growl of her name before he was coming in her mouth.

Diana had done her best to brace herself, had figured she’d be able to take what was given, but it turns out that along with his insatiable sex-drive, Jack also manages to release the same amount of come as five teen boys.

Or, that’s what it felt like, at least.

She pulled off when he was only about halfway through with his release, some of his come hitting her cheek as she coughed again, doing her best to swallow down what she’d been able to take. Whatever didn’t land on her skin splashed against Jack’s abdomen, and Diana had a brief thought about whether it’d be acceptable or not to kill Jack if he got any come on her sheets.

When the older boy opened his eyes next, he looked up to be greeted by the sight of Diana staring down at him expectantly. There was come dripping down her left cheek as well as from between her lips, and her tongue slipping out to lick it away had another slutty moan ripping from his throat before he was sitting up and reaching out to her, pulling her in for another heated kiss.

He could taste himself on her tongue as his own pink muscle pushed between her lips, and that probably would’ve been disgusting to anyone else. Instead, it just had Jack pushing against her harder, wanting more.

The Lebanese male wasn’t thinking clearly as he reached down, letting his fingers skim her inner thighs before rubbing gently against the front of her red cotton shorts. Diana’s teeth clamped down on his bottom lip harshly, the touch she’d been craving for what felt like forever being too much yet not enough.

Jack knew that, could feel how wet she already was. It wouldn’t take much for her to reach her peak either, he realized, and with that thought, he was twisting them around until she was on her back, pressing a short kiss to her panting lips and then clambering down the bed so that he was kneeling at the foot. Large hands wrapped around thin calves, pulling the lithe girl down the bed until her legs were dangling over the edge, spread just enough for Jack to situate himself between.

Rough kisses and gentle nips had her thighs shaking deliciously, soft gasps and light moans falling from her slack mouth. As the calloused pads of Jack’s fingers swept closer and closer to where Diana desperately wanted them to be, he sat up a bit and looked directly at her. The extremities were hesitant in curling around the waistband of the shorts, and everything seemed to come to a momentary halt.

“S’this okay, dude?” he asked quietly when she opened her eyes and propped her body up a bit to look down at him. She seemed to truly deliberate for a moment about how, yeah, that really wasn’t a part of the plan, before she decided fuck it and nodded, letting her body flop back down.

Jack tried to be careful in pulling off her shorts and underwear, but he was feeling a little impatient himself, her moans and his always-horny teenage hormones already getting him hard a second time.

As soon as both articles of clothing were out of the way, tossed on the floor beside him, Jack was leaning back in and pressing sloppy kisses up her right thigh, across her hips, and then down until-

“Oh, my God!”

Jack had only gone down on two other girls prior, but he liked to think that he was somewhat experienced in the art. He did try to put his best into it, though, wanting her to feel just as good as she’d made him feel. That’s what best friends do for each other, right?

His tongue swiped across her clit quickly, pulling some of the most attractive sounds he’d ever heard to come spilling past her lips. Tingles were shooting through her body faster than she could keep up with. Diana’s fingers curled tightly into her sheets, her head was thrown back, and every muscle in her figure flexed against her will.

The moans, groans, and whimpers of ecstasy and approval, of encouragement and desperation, all sent blood pumping faster to Jack’s cock, and soon enough, he couldn’t take it.

His right hand wrapped tightly around himself, and the moan that pushed its way from deep in his chest had Diana’s body jerking, a near scream tearing from her throat.

It was good for both. It was great for both, but it wasn’t enough. Jack wanted to taste her, wanted to taste more. He pulled off of Diana just enough for her to whine in annoyance, and then he was licking against her opening, movements cautious. The tensing of her legs, holding his head in place, told him that he’d definitely done something right.

Diana could feel her back arch in a way that would probably be painful if she did it under any other circumstances, but that wasn’t even a concern as she felt Jack’s tongue push inside of her, pressing and flicking at her walls smoothly while his nose rubbed against her clit.

Her eyes rolled back into her head, her short, ragged breaths no longer making it into her overworked lungs. She was so close to the edge, and it was Jack groaning against her another time, much more forceful due to the fact that he’d hit his own high again, that pushed her over completely.

The younger woman’s body turned ridged, her mouth falling open in a silent scream. Blue eyes blew wide, but nothing came into focus. Everything seemed to disappear around her, the involuntary twitching of her weak limbs being the only thing she could detect above the mind-numbing pleasure.

The first things she noticed when the effects started to wear off were Jack’s head resting against the inside of her right calf and his shallow breathing hitting her left. Neither could move, but that wasn't a problem to either of them.

“So?” Diana panted as all of her senses were finally returned to her. Her eyes had slipped closed, but she could feel Jack’s hair brushing against her skin as he stood, hopefully getting himself redressed.

“So what?” he mumbled back, the soft hush of his jeans being pulled up his legs confirming Diana’s suspicions.

“So how’d I do?” she pressed, and Jack couldn’t help but laugh as he moved over to her laundry basket, pulling out an old towel and returning to the end of the bed to clean up his mess. The patch she’d soaked into her sheets wasn’t his problem.

“You’re almost as good as Merrick,” he admitted, glancing up at her to see that she was beginning the search for her discarded shorts and panties. Reaching down, he grabbed the articles, lifting them up for her and then returning the dirtied towel to its previous position. “Not as good as Flyzik, but you really weren’t bad. Are you sure that was your first time giving head?”

She hummed an agreement, standing just long enough to find herself a new pair of underwear and shorts (disregarding the wet sheets) before stopping to think about what he’d just told her. “Merrick and Flyzik? Like Zack Merrick and Matt Flyzik? The football player and the baseball player?”

“Those are the two,” Jack affirmed, flopping face first onto the bed beside her, arm thrown haphazardly over her waist. “You thought they were straight, huh? Well, what can I say? I’m irresistible.”

“You’re a slut.”

“Can’t deny that either,” he joked, turning his head enough to grin cheekily at his exhausted best friend. “And just so that you’re able to sleep at night-no, I haven’t fallen in love with you. But if this whole ‘recreating what I do with Gaskarth’ thing is gonna become the norm,” he started, closing his eyes and snuggling further into the sheets, feeling sleep begin to drag him under, “then you might wanna consider buying yourself a box of condoms.”

Diana could only roll her eyes, relaxing into her mattress and following her best friend’s lead, eyelids slipping closed and a more than content sigh escaping her lungs.

all time low, nc-17, jack barakat, ofc, one-shot, atl

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