For Your Entertainment

Nov 30, 2014 04:10

Title: For Your Entertainment
Author: Jamie jamieall_over
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
Summary: “Anyway, I don’t know how you convinced me or why I even agreed to make a sex tape with you in the first place-”
A/N: idk i love the beginning but not the end so

“I swear to everything on this green earth that is Holy, if that damn camera falls on me,” Alex warned from where he was lying on his back on his and Jack’s bed, dark eyes boring up at the near-naked man standing over him. Jack had a foot on either side of his upper body, and he was adjusting the device so that it pointed down just so.

“Baby, it’s virtually bolted to the wall,” Jack assured, having to hold in a slight laugh. After making one final modification so that the lens was focused perfectly on nothing but his boyfriend’s gorgeous face, the record button was finally pressed, and Jack smiled in triumph.

When the elder started to move away, Alex smiled cutely (yet so very sexily) at the camera, the red light blinking down at him invitingly.

“Hi, baby,” he all but purred. His left hand moved to ruffle his golden locks as his right pressed against his pursed lips, moving away with a blown kiss, a wink following soon after.

Jack could only watch the spectacle unfold before him as he slunk his way down the body he practically worshipped so that he could kneel between those legs, spread wide just for him. As soon as he was situated in a comfortable position, his hand was moving to absentmindedly rub himself through his briefs, eyes still glued to that fucking face.

“So,” Alex continued, eyes still staring up at the camera, “if you’re watching this that must mean you’re not home yet... ‘cause if you were, why would you watch when you could play?”

A laugh, quiet and beautiful, rang from the blonde’s throat at his own stupid joke, and then Jack couldn’t take it anymore. Leaning forward, the Lebanese man began to suck gentle kisses into the younger male’s chest, slowly working his way down.

Alex’s breath hitched slightly for only a moment when he realized what was happening, but he forced his gaze to stay skyward as he moved on.

“Anyway, I don’t know how you convinced me or why I even agreed to make a sex tape with you in the first place-”

“It’s not a sex tape,” Jack scolded softly, letting his teeth nip at Alex’s right hipbone deliciously.

“It is a sex tape,” Alex retorted, having to bite at his lip to hold in a quiet groan from the feelings Jack was causing to run up and down his veins. “We’re having sex, and now there’s going to be video proof of it.”

When Jack didn’t reply, instead started sucking at the taut, supple skin below his navel, Alex resumed his mini speech, tone strained.

“I don’t know, I mean, I guess you get off on the faces I make or something-because you’re a fuckin’ freak like that-and since we won’t be able to actually see each other for God knows how long, a sex tape’ll be easier and more convenient that having to, like, Skype every time one of us wants to get off or something. Which we’re gonna have to do at least a few times, just so you know. But also know that if you even think about showing this to whatever army buddies you make overseas-oh.”

Alex had more or less stopped paying attention to whatever his boyfriend was doing at that point so that he’d be able to choose as well as enunciate his words appropriately, and he hadn’t registered Jack pulling off his boxers until the elder’s lips were sucking even more kisses up his already hard cock.

The younger man took a moment to recompose himself as Jack moved down to his quivering thighs, resuming his almost teasing touches. The taller male knew how teasing turned his boyfriend on more than almost anything, and he was definitely using that to his advantage.

“If you even think about showing this to any of your army buddies, I’ll kill you. Lohve you so much, baby.”

Jack took that as his cue, and before Alex could even blink, his legs were being shoved up towards his chest. The Lebanese man flattened his tongue out, letting it slide down the side of Alex’s dick, past his balls, and even further down until-

“Baby, yes!”

Jack couldn’t hold in his shudder. How vocal the younger boy could get would never not be enough to get him off. He loved it almost as much as the faces the Briton would pull. Jack could just imagine the one he was making at that moment, and he honestly couldn’t wait to watch the video for himself just to see it.

He wanted to stop with the rimming at that very second to see those faces, what with the fact that it would more than likely be the last time he’d see them in person for a long fucking time, but he knew that as long as he kept going down on his boyfriend, he’d keep those gorgeous faces flowing for the camera trained directly on his stunning features.

More moans, groans, and the occasional plead slipped from those perfectly pink lips, and Jack’s own problem, hard and heavy between his legs, was becoming pretty damn difficult to ignore. With one more little kiss to that part of Alex’s compliant body, he was sitting back on his calves to get a better look at his partner.

Alex’s lips were wet and parted, little teeth marks visible from where he’d been biting harshly. His hair was nearly plastered to his forehead and ruffled around on the pillow, haloing his head. A perfectly-sculpted chest heaved in shaky breaths as the rest of such a gorgeous body trembled weakly, two hands curled beside the form so tightly that the knuckles had turned white. Those eyes, though, those eyes that were almost as black as the night sky outside their window, were still trained onto the camera’s lens. Jack couldn’t even distinguish pupil from iris at that point.

Needless to say, rimjobs were what got Alex going.

Simpering down at his disheveled lover, Jack’s hand reached over to the side of the bed in search of the lube he’d tossed there before he’d set to work on setting the camera up. He didn’t find it like that, and with a quiet huff of annoyance, he was looking away from his boy in search of the necessary item. In the time that Jack’s gaze had been averted, which was a grand total of three seconds, Alex’s right fist had unclenched itself from the sheets below his body and had, instead, took a firm grip of his dick.

Alex did his best to keep his eyes open, but he couldn’t help it as they began to droop. His back arched into the air, the cloth he’d been laying on already beginning to stick to his skin from the sweat that had started to gather on his heated skin.

With a quiet groan at the sight before him, Jack was reaching out to shove his boyfriend’s hand from his dick, earning him a huff in response. Of course, then Alex was grinning seductively up at the camera once more and batting his eyelashes before whispering, just loud enough for the device to detect, “Come on, baby… fuck me.”

Jack had to bite at his lip to hold in yet another groan before his nimble fingers popped open the lube bottle in his hand and squirted enough onto his hand to fist over himself. By that point in their relationship, Alex sure as hell didn’t need stretching.

Only, before he could remove his hand from his dick, Alex was speaking again.

“You always feel so good inside me, Jay. Your cock fills me up perfectly-long, thick, and hard. God, I love it when you get rough. I know you like it, too, babe. Like pounding into this tight ass. Imagine how tight it’s gonna be when you finally get home. I’m not gonna have anything to fill me up the way you do. Not gonna have anything to make me come the way you do. Only you know how to make me come like I do. Might have to go out and buy a new-”

The older man hadn’t waited for another word to pass his boyfriend’s legs before he was spreading the younger’s legs as far as they could go and pushing into the tight heat of his partner. Alex’s eyes blew wide at the action, his pupils dilating and whatever he had to say dying on his lips. If anything, he looked like he was a deer in the headlights.

Jack didn’t bother with starting slow or finding a rhythm at which to move his hips at. He didn’t really think he had to bother with one, not with the things he’d just been told. Of course, Alex sure wasn’t complaining. His eyes had drooped half closed, his neck and back arched up, and filthy, high-pitched groans left his chest as he tried to adjust to Jack’s dick moving furiously inside of his body. It proved to be more of a task than he could’ve remembered it ever being before, but he figured that since it was (most likely) the last time they’d get to be intimate until Jack returned home, he was trying to make it as worthwhile as possible.

When Alex’s brain had finally caught up with the pleasure turning his limbs numb, he was back to whispering any dirty thing he could possibly imagine.

“Gonna have to buy a dildo, baby. Maybe I’ll record it for-shit-for you. See me fuck myself, imaging it’s you. Or m-maybe I’ll get a fucking machine instead. I heard you can ha-hardly tell the difference with those.”

The thought of Alex actually doing those things, making videos of himself getting fucked by a machine and sending it to Jack, had the older man subconsciously digging his short nails into the stretched skin over his boyfriend’s hip. Little, crescent-shaped sores would no doubt be left behind when all was eventually said and done. He hoped Alex would be marked up by him.

Apparently, Alex did, too, seeing as how those filthy moans just seemed to get that much louder.

Jack knew he wasn’t going to last. There was no way in hell he’d make it any more than a few minutes. He usually lasted longer than Alex did, what with their hormones being on different levels due to their slight age difference, but it was all adding up and becoming too much. Alex rarely talked dirty, was more just concerned with not losing himself in the feeling, but now that he was letting lose and being as naughty as he could think to be at the time?

Alex had only been asked to look pretty on camera, but here he was, putting on a full-show for his boyfriend. Jack wasn’t sure how he’d ever gotten quite so lucky.

Before long, the younger man was having trouble stringing together much of a sentence at all. His entire body, including his tongue, felt too heavy, the pleasure bubbling up from the very core of his being and consuming him inch by inch.

Jack could feel how tense Alex was getting, and that was the first indication that told him his partner wasn’t going to last much longer. The second was how much higher-pitched those gorgeous moans got, along with how his eyes blew wide, his pupils looking almost like black holes. The third and final indication he got was one that he felt was something only Alex did, but it was really the only way he could tell when Alex was going to come-he’d shake his head back and forth three times. It was never two, nor was it ever four, and while it had confused Jack since their first time, he’d learned that meant he had to brace himself for how much tighter his boyfriend’s body was about to get.

It wasn’t a really surprise when Alex’s eyes clamped shut only half a moment afterward, his jaw dropping open as he screamed his release. Jack’s eyes squeezed closed as well-he needed to hold himself back just a little bit longer, just a little bit longer until-

“Where do you want it, baby?” he groaned quietly, hips still fucking into Alex’s body roughly. He only asked because it was the polite thing to do… and because sometimes Alex would rather deal with swallowing or wiping come off of his chest instead of having to push it all from his body afterward.

It took a few seconds for Alex’s breathing to become a bit more regulated, but he still kept his eyes closed as he whispered back, “Want you to… want you to come on my face, Jay.”

And holy shit, that was definitely a new one.

Jack had to pull himself from Alex’s body as soon as those words left perfectly swollen, pink lips. He wouldn’t have lasted even a second longer had he pushed in even just one more time, not with that heat around his dick and those words in his mind.

It was a little awkward at first, the shuffling up Alex’s body until he was close enough to jerk himself to release on his boyfriend’s waiting face, but as soon as he had it, his right hand was wrapping firmly around his cock and he wasn’t wasting even one second.

He knew that the odds of the tip of his cock and hand being in the shot were pretty damn high, but he couldn’t even concern himself with that. What man would when he had such a beautiful boy below him, mouth open and practically begging to be covered in come?

The quietest of groans slipped into the air as Jack finally reached his peak, his hand slowing and his grip tightening. Alex jumped as the first shot landed on his cheek, but he relaxed a little more with each one that hit his face afterward. When he knew that it was all over, he opened his eyes to look back up at the camera over his head.

A smile stretched across his lips as his hand moved up to collect his boyfriend’s come on his fingers. He sucked them clean as he made his best bedroom eyes at the lens, and when he figured he was as clean as he was going to get from such a shitty cleanup job, he sent another grin skyward.

“I love you, babe,” he said, lifting his clean hand to blow another kiss to the camera. “I miss you, and I can’t wait until you get home. Be extra safe for me, okay? I love you so much.”

Yeah, Jack was pretty sure that he was easily one of the luckiest guys in the world.

--- ---

Jack slumped against the bathroom wall he’d been leaning on, his phone barely clutched in his limp hand. His breathing was heavy and he knew that the other guys were going to be pissed if he didn’t clean up everything until it shined, but he couldn’t focus on that. Even four months after his departure, Alex’s faces and dirty talk were by far his favorite things.

Nothing else could ever get him off quite like Alex could.

all time low, jack barakat, barakarth, alex gaskarth, nc-17, au, jalex, one-shot, atl

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