May 20, 2010 18:23
Haven't been on here in a while...
My classes are going alright. My car is fixed, sort of. It goes, but my uncle still wants to fix my brakes.
I'm getting my wisdom teeth out next weekend. ...
& finally, I'm not talking to Josh anymore. Nothing happened, if you're wondering. But that is the reason why I'm not talking to him. Nothing has happened. I don't remember if I posted about this, but we had an argument, and then we made up and he sent me this message about how he wanted to take me on a real date during summer, and blah blah... Well, it's the 3rd week of summer and he hasn't made any effort to talk to me or ask me on a date! Actually, I've already asked him to lunch (which is AGAINST the rules!) and that never happened because of me, but he never said anything about it. & rawwwr. he's just not that into me. So I've stopped talking to him. He hasn't messaged me or called or anything, so I guess he has stopped talking to me, too.
/end rant.
Sorry ladies.