(no subject)

Feb 20, 2006 19:50

do you type really fast? hmmm

do you/did you like high school? yes, but not some of the people.

how old are you? 19

do you know anyone who has the same birthday as you? if so name them? caroline frens

favorite pen color? black

what word do you constantly misspell when typing? definally? idk

do you have trees in your yard? yes

name one comedian that everyone thinks is funny but you absolutely cannot stand: blue collar comedy tour

name one director you hate and tell why: mel gibson, he's a douche

do you like tim burton? more than life itself

what annoys you more than anything? life

if you woke up tomorrow morning as the opposite sex, what would you do first? wtf

favorite show on nickelodeon (can be from the late 80's/early 90's when nick was good): all of them!

did you watch are you afraid of the dark? hell ya

did zeebo the clown scare you? YES

where do you vacation every summer? its usually the east coast

do you like the beach? very much so.

do you tan or burn easily? depends

if you could make one celebrity magically disappear, who would it be? tom cruise

how is life treating you? really good

do people like you? i dont care if they do or dont

what do you think it is that makes the "popular" people popular? who gives a shit. they mount to nothing when they are out of high school

are you using a pc or mac? PC

do you like chunky peanut butter? ew no

what amazes you about the opposite sex? everything...if they are nice.

are you in love with anyone? i love someone yes. but to be in love, it will take a little longer

do you like anyone? si

if so, who? tyler

why do you like them/why are you in love with them? - awesome and sweet. has a great sense of humor.

favorite cereal: LUCKY CHARMS!!!

name a movie that makes you cry: garden state

what's something you like about the opposite sex, physically, that your friends think is odd? idk.

is it true that only the good die young? it depends

if so, are you going to live forever or die soon? how in the hell do i know?

do you live for today? i try.

how fast can you run? fast as the wind hahaha

favorite band from the 60's/70's: led zeppelin, the doors, pink floyd...more and more...

have any of your friends had kids as teenagers? yes.

were you even born in the 80's? yes

what year? 1987

have you ever taught a little kid a curse word? thats my job!

if so which one was it? haha all of them.

do you think little boys are horrendously ill behaved? as they get older they get more bitchier

have you ever thrown anything at a moving car? you have not lived if you havent...

name a villian in a movie that scared you when you were a kid: chucky

have you seen the original friday the thirteenth? yes

the original chucky? yes

the original halloween? yes

what's your favorite channel? disney channel!

what do you say when you stub your toe off of the corner of the coffee table? fuck me

what's the highest thing you've ever jumped off of and landed unharmed? a bed.

does it snow where you live? yes

if yes, do you go sled riding? when i was a kid

have you ever used anything weird, like a frisbee or a trashcan lid, for a sled? hahaha.

do holidays make you festive? halloween and christmas

magazines you subscribe to? seventeen and teen vogue.. call me girly i know...

do you read the supermarket tabloids? its my guilest pleasure

have you ever smashed somebody's halloween pumpkin? no

ever had yours smashed? no

do you celebrate christmas? yes

ever had a hot teacher? yes... AB... sighhhh

if yes, did you flirt with him/her? thats going overboard.

how do you treat people you are attracted to? be myself.

what do you want for your birthday this year? it already passed

have you ever egged somebody's house? uhh no

has someone ever egged yours? no

what pisses you off more than anything in the world? republicans

do you still go trick or treating? i didnt last year :(

do you believe in santa claus? no

have you ever worked in a supermarket? no

how about a restaurant? yes

what color is your bedspread? moons and stars

do your eyes change colors? no

do you believe that we walked on the moon? yes

do you live by yourself? no

have you ever gotten a computer virus? yes.. the tojan! AHHH haha

if so, what was it and how did you get rid of it? wtf... norton

describe your junior high/middle school gym teacher: stupid and bald

how do you react when someone is talking to you --up in your face--: idk.

what was your first date like? haha fun! thanks kirk!

did you go/are you going to the prom? yes and hopefully this year with ally and lauren!

if you've already gone, was it good or bad? explain why: it was alright. i would redo it.

are you a vegetarian? mostly

how about vegan? no

if no to both, do you think you could be? haha just a vegetarian

have you ever given up a certain type of food? if so, what was it and why did you do it? its usually the food i throw up that i end up giving up for awhile..

spit out a random song lyric for me. make sure you tell me the name of the song and who sings it! blue jean baby, LA lady, she married music man.. haha tiny dancer elton john

who does the chores around your house? yes

name one person who annoys you more than anyone else, and tell why? hahaha...

what movie could you watch a million times and never get tired of? any 80's movie and freaky friday

what movie have you watched a million times, and you still laugh at the jokes? igby goes down

what movie do you hope you never see again? idk...

have you ever hugged a stuffed animal or pillow and pretended that it was your significant other, or someone you had a crush on, and then someone caught you talking to it, and stroking its soft, fuzzy fur, and laughed at you and told the whole school? what? lol

do you drive? si

if so, do you like to drive at night or in the day time? day

has anyone ever called you a bitch? yes

has anyone ever called you an asshole? yes

are you a bitch/asshole? i can be

what's the first thing you do when you get home from school/work? sleep

favorite pop tart flavor: blueberry

do you play any musical instruments? flute lol

tell me about the best school-related activity you ever took part in: deca.. LMAO cecelia and tara and ktf!

have you ever built a snowman? yes

did you cry when it melted, or when the kid next door knocked its head off with a shovel? no

what's your religion? religion can be a label. i am nothing.

do you try to force it on other people? no, never would i do that

do you knock on people's doors at 7 a.m. on saturdays, trying to give them a pamphlet and tell them about the lord, or ask random people at the mall if they’ve been saved, yet you think that doesn’t count as forcing religion, you son of a bitch? what??? LMAO what an idea

what's the best restaurant you've ever eaten at? sanchez

have you ever been flipping channels late at night and caught a glimpse of some porn on skinemax? no

if so, did you watch it? don't say no, i know you did? no im against that shit

what's the code word or phrase you and your friends use for the word SEX? cash money? idk wtf hahaha

is sex an uncomfortable topic for you? yes

what is the one thing in the world that just looking at it makes you vomit, or come close to it? life

when other people vomit, does it make you sick? sometimes

do your clothes match? yes

what are you wearing right now? pjs

did you ever have those fisher price roller skates that go over top of your shoes? yes! and the wheels really didnt work

did you have a bike with a banana seat? no, but i wish!

have you lived in the same house your entire life? nope

what’s the weirdest thing you’ve lived next to? the little girl in the apartment i lived in when i was 2.

who is the ugliest person you’ve ever seen? LMAO you really want to know?

do you watch talk shows? sometimes, i guess.

what are your thoughts on keeping animals in captivity? umm not a fan, but keeping like dogs outside 24/7 is rotten

what do you think of all the “superstores” that are popping up everywhere? (super walmart, super k-mart, super target)? love em'
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