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Comments 8

darthfi July 1 2007, 11:29:05 UTC

All I wanted was the Master kept prisoner in the TARDIS. Honestly, a nice bit of Doctor/Master BDSM with chains and sonic screwdrivers.

It's a simple wish.


jamie_dakin July 1 2007, 11:35:13 UTC
There, there.

And it's so cruel really, there we had the Master in handcuffs and the canonical (well, sort of) promise of all sorts of marvelous angry healing sexual escapades and then... ARGH.

Damn RTD, that cheeky tease.


darthfi July 1 2007, 11:38:15 UTC
Handcuffs *behind* his back!

No, no, because I've never written a John Simm character in that position, ever. Especially not with his face in someone's crotch. Honest.


bistokids July 3 2007, 18:26:20 UTC
Just wandered in as a result of your reference to a review. As I expected I agree wholeheartedly with everything you say (except on the Jack=Boe thing *spit* but I suspect there we must agree to differ).

I'd love to see a slipping-into-maddness Doctor next season, I'd love to see him teetering on that beautiful brink of surrendering to his darker side. I'd love to see him, for once, acknowledging how broken he is, I want to see him give up.

But what will actually happen is that we'll get teased with vague meanderings along this path but nothing properly tangible. If this latest is anything to go by. You're right, though, the year gap was, surely, a conscious gift from RTD to the fandom, so I guess thanks for that. But, oh Rusty, how can you tease with your promises of having the Master and the Doctor locked away in the tardis together, and then withdraw it so cruelly?

I've friended you, btw. I hope this is OK. :)


jamie_dakin July 3 2007, 19:12:48 UTC
except on the Jack=Boe thing *spit

Hee, because seriously though, big gaping plot holes aside - well gee, I thought fixed point in time and space means… fixed point in time and space - how can we go on with a closed timeline in which Jack is no longer all the things that make him Jack?

Because those are exactly the things that will keep him from going insane throughout those billions and billions of years.

*friended back, anyone who understands the Doctor/Master joy-that-almost-was is my kind of person anyday*


principia July 3 2007, 18:36:51 UTC
Another person who's wandered in from your 'emotional voyeurism' post.

I would like to think Jack left either a) because he knows how much his very existence puts a pit in the Doctor's stomach (and they still don't know if the TARDIS would cotton to his presence long-term), or b) because now that they know the possibility of how badly things can get out of hand, Jack wants to seriously kick his team in the arse and make them into a proper and serious bunch of investigators.

If the Titanic story goes where it could, I could see that opening the door to the Doctor going completely nuts next year. Remember Nine was on-board the Titanic: assuming this is really the Titanic and not some ghost-ship or whatnot, will Ten spend the episode trying to track down Nine so he can convince him to help him go fetch Rose... and then the TARDIS ends up at the bottom of the North Atlantic or whatever?

Personally, what I'd like to see (and you may have seen me mention 'round new_who) is the Master returning, and dissatisfied with either being in Lucy's body ( ... )


jamie_dakin July 3 2007, 18:45:28 UTC


You know that youtube clip of those girls having a 'whogasm'? Yeah that about sums up what just happened to me. Madam, the BBC awaits…


principia July 3 2007, 18:55:29 UTC
If you're interested in the thread where ancalemon and I get into a bit more of a details-fest, that'd be here.

Ooh, just had another creepy thought about the effects they could use: Lucy smashes the jar, puts the ring on the hand and then Tennant!Master's body grows out of the hand. Eek!


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