Today for lunch I got some Chinese and I got a fortune cookie and this was my lame fortune...."You are about to become $8.95 poorer. ($6.95 if you had the buffet)" That kind of discouraged me because fortune cookies are suppose to be good tasting and they are suppose to make you feel good after you read the fortune. What a good start to the day.
My fish is almost two weeks old and still going good. He is swimming around and notices me when I sit at my desk and work, he even made a lil nest to put eggs if hey ever reproduces. I am trying my hardest not to kill him, I love him.
Sometimes when I'm here at school I wonder if I am really going to succeed with school, am I even smart enough to be here? There are times when I feel like I can do and I am doing so great but then there are other time when I think that I'm not doing good enough to be a Physician Assistant, the profession I want to have when I'm older. I'm really confused right now with a lot of things that are going on and changing in my life right now. I need some alone time.
I am in love with him with all my heart!