Oct 04, 2005 20:00
Sunday morning Sparky was dead, that now brings my dead fish total to 3. Damn Meijers, they contaminate their water so when people like me bring pets home they die soon after.
I started reading Tuesdays With Morrie today at dinner, I'm intrigued and may finish it tonight.
CHEATERS NEVER PROSPER. I'm in college now and have accepted that if I don't study then I will do bad and I deserve it. Why is it that people still cheat and get away with it? Maybe they don't though. This is college and the things we learn are for our future, they just won't know shit when the time comes.
It's hot as hell in this room, I can't wait til it cools off! They other day we were teased with how a real fall day should be and I can't wait. The cool, crispness in the air is the greatest thing and I can't wait for all the leaves to change colors.
Trust, can anybody truly be completely trusted?