Oct 28, 2005 22:42
Yeah, I got egged on the bus the other day. It was a party...really. Ok, technically, I wasnt egged, the window behind the absurdly obese, annoyingly smelly guy who was sitting half next to me and half on my lap got egged. Part of me kind of wished that the guy actually got egged instead of the window. That way, he'd at least (theoretically) take a shower. Oh well.
I got the "rewrite" of my paper back. I sorta had every intention of fixing my run-on sentance, but I guess I saved it as read-only. Instead of actually fixing it, I just re-printed it. My grade went up by a quarter of a point...wahoo. Now instead of a 9.25 (out of 10), I have a 9.5. not bad for inserting a disk and hitting "print"...Go Lesley!! I got all A's in my teaching Math, Science and Health to kids class so far, and I'm pretty sure that my other class doesn't give real grades. Grad school is definitely easier than undergrad.
Ok,social life....yeah, nonexistant. On to work. We have a bunch of new kids starting at daycare, so that's nice. Joel's mom (one of the new tods) is INSANE, but he's the easiest kid EVER. All he does is sit there unless someone either tells him to do something or physically picks him up and moves him. On a busier note, Colin, our 37 year old trapped in a 2 1/2 year old's body, had a 20 minute temper tantrum on Wednesday. THAT was a party right there. Other than that, the kids have been OK. Tutoring is also going alright, I guess. I mean, I only work there about 18 hours a week. Honestly, I wouldn't mind a few more cancellations, let's face it, paid time off is never a bad thing. Actually, on Monday my 7pm tutee called me (at 6:30) to say she wasn't coming. She actually left me a message at 6, but whatever. Since Cheryl leaves at 5, I just didn't go back until 8. That's a 2 hour break. It pretty much doubled my weekly allotment of free time!! Technically, I went back at 7:50 to fill out a form for my 7:00 so that hour will be accounted for. Pretty much just copied 1 of my other stats write-ups. Alright, time to decide whether to do curriculum or a lit review.....curriculum it is!!!