Feb 26, 2007 20:56
01. Babe or Baby: babe :) :)
02. Sweetie or Honey: Honey
03. Darling or Hun: Hun
01. is your hair wet? No it is not
02. is your cell phone right by you? Yes it is
03. do you miss someone? I miss a few people.
04. are you wearing chapstick? No, but I should be..
05. are you tired? Yeah I am
06. are you excited? Heck yes, I'm teaching bowling tomorrow morning... then looking forward to TERRIFIC THURSDAY!!
07. are you watching tv? yeah
08. are you wearing pajamas? yes :)
01. recently done anything you regret? eating that soup..it gave me heartburn!
02. ever lied? Unfortunately
03. ever stuck gum under a desk? haha what about to a stop sign? :)
04. ever kicked someone? haha yES!
05. ever tripped over your own feet? Yeah.. are u kidding me :)
01. have you cursed? no
02. have you yelled at someone? The boys at work.. but because they said I was too nice :) (i yelled HAPPY MONDAY!!)
03. have you gotten mad at someone? no
04. have you cried? no
05. have you called more than 3 people? Yeah
06. have you IM'd more than 3 people? No :(
Q: is there a person who is on your mind right now?
A: Yes :)
Q: do you have any siblings?
A: 2 brothers
Q: Do you want children?
Q: do you smile often?
A: I like smiling...it's my favorite :)
Q: Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?
A: He better be!
Q: You wish on stars?
A: Yup!
Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
A: What if they're velcro?
Q: When did you last cry?
A: Thursday
Q: Do you like your handwriting?
A: Yes I do
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: I try my hardest!
Q: Whos bed did you sleep in last night?
A: On the couch
Q: what color shirt are you wearing?
A: Blue with SVSU football :) :)
Q: do you have any pets?
A: My dog Bones, and kitties Petey and Zip
Q: what is the color of your bedsheets?
A: white
Q: what were you doing at 3pm yesterday?
A: Shoveling snow!!
Q: what were you doing at 3am this morning?
A: Sleeping
Q: I can't wait until...
A: Thursday...bowling and Greys with my favorite
Q: Look to your right. what's there?
A: my kitty!
Q: Ever cried yourself to sleep?
A: Yes
Q: Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
A: Yeah
Q: Song that makes you cry or really emotional?
A: Angels Among Us
Q: Are you normally a happy person?
A: YEAH :)
Q: Has anyone ever said 'i love you' to you, not including family
or friends?
A: Yes :) :)