May 04, 2006 14:40
So last night I hung out with Smitty and Kara, and we originally we going to watch Under the Tuscan Sun and highlight Smittys hair, but we ended up not watching the movie, highlighting Smittys, mine and Carolyns hair.
Carolyn dyed her hair purple, which was cute, Smittys turned out great, but I chose a really really light shade of blonde. Too light. It ended up Yellowy Orangey blondey. So I went to Meijer at midnight, and dyed my hair back to its original color. And now I am happy.
Next week is watch the movie take two.
Grades are in, 3 A's and 2 B's. yay!
Would you take a class Saturdays from 9:00-11:50am?