Twilight was AWESOME!

Nov 21, 2008 03:35

I won't go into to much detail, but I totally loved every second of the movie! The baseball scene was by far my favorite, the song and the way the scene was done was just pure awesome! I was a tiny bit disappointed with the way Edward looked in the sun, he just looked like he was covered in sweat and there was a lot of light reflecting, he didn't exactly "dazzle" as much as I was expecting. I was totally looking forward to that scene the most so I probably hyped it up to myself too much. I totally loved the other Cullens, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, and Alice especially. There wasn't enough of the other Cullens though. BOO!

I loved seeing it at the midnight showing, the fans laughed at some of the things people won't laugh at if you see it in two weeks. It was a totally awesome crowd!

I can't wait to see this movie again!!! Seriously? How am I supposed to get to sleep now? I won't!

movie, twilight

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