Hooray! The kitchen is back in business, guys - I repeat, the kitchen is back in business!
Blimey, you never really notice how much you need a fridge and a coffee machine and a water boiler, etc. until you haven't got access to one ... although, mind you, I managed to survive in China with my only kitchen-esque possessions being a mug and a spoon. I ate/drank everything out of that mug ... and I've still got it now ;)
Behold the Multi-Purpose Mug of Magnificence ...
Yesterday I had a bit of a lazy Sunday, since I went out with a friend the day before. It was so much fun - even if I did have a little bit too much wine (which, with me, means more than two glasses). But I'd say it was worth the headache ;)! We talked a lot, which was quite necessary after three months of not seeing each other, and then we had a great time at the bar just around the corner from her place.
In spite of my general sleepy-headedness, I did manage to finish reading Othello - yaaay! I honestly don't know whether I liked it or not - or actually, I suppose I don't know whether I loved it or not. It was certainly a good play and since I read it rather than saw it, I was able to enjoy Shakespeare's language much more. The plot, on the other hand, was not that brilliant - I just can't believe how stupid Othello was in the play. I mean, talk about being gullible. How in the world did he ever decide that Iago was trustworthy? And believe him over everybody else whom he loved and respected? The same goes for Cassio by the way ... The stupidity just made me head-desk a little bit too much.
I had a really interesting experience reading this play, though, since I kept switching back and forth between different editions/versions. I borrowed the Cambridge book version from the main library in Vienna, got out my own complete Shakespeare edition and then read parts of the play online on the website
No Fear Shakespeare - it all depended on where I was, physically. At home on my computer, curled up in a chair, on the bus, at uni ... quite different environments requiring quite different reading habits, apparently.
No Fear Shakespeare made me laugh quite a lot though - they've got a modern English version of the text displayed right next to the original version of the play, and sometimes these tranlsations are just hilarious:
Fear not my government. Don't worry about how I'll handle it.
What then? Then what?
I particularly enjoyed that last one ;)!
Other than that I've been binge-watching Russell Howard on youtube to tide me over until Graham Norton finally comes back on - although I watch Russell Howard for his own sake, of course ;)! He's quite a funny, handsome guy :D!