Funny coincidences at uni

Jan 24, 2013 21:51

The other day a rather funny thing happened to me - well, it wasn't funny at first, because I lost my student ID in one of the lecture halls at university. I was writing an exam for German, and for that we usually have to have our student IDs lying on the table next to us. Guess what happened? Stupid me left it in the lecture hall after the exam of course -_-! I only noticed that it was gone when I got home - at which point it was way too late to go back for it, of course (especially considering it takes me about 80-90 minutes to get to university). Anyway, so I was just about to panic when I noticed that I'd received an email from someone, saying that they'd found the ID and given it to the doorman for me to collect the next morning :D Which was awesome of course! But here is where it gets weird: his last name seemed to ring a bell with me and then I remembered that there's a girl in one of my classes this term who shares the same last name! So I asked her the next day if she had a brother who was studying at uni as well - and when I showed her the email she said that that was him xD! Now, if I was a character in a film I'd say that this would be the start of an amazing love story ... but sadly this is reality, I guess :).


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