Apr 02, 2007 13:11
Well my neurologist clld my wk ph and cell Sunday night but not my house.
They finally found my MRI on Thursday. His msg basically said severe inflamation in one of the nerves in the shoulder (brachial plexus). He believes its probably autoimmune related as most things with me tend to point to however they have looked for quite a while and have not found anything. He left today for his clinic in Jackson Hole, please let his sec./nurse know how my arm/hand is doing. If I'm still having problems he will most likely proceed w/ steroids. Thats all I know for now. Good news is they found the immediate source. Bad news there is there is probably an underlying issue not yet found or diagnosed. Good news is steroids of some sort "should" resolve it.
Bad news is I'm guessing the steroids are going to be shots not pills.
So there is an idea of why at least but until Dr. Renner gets back from WY we can't proceed w/ treatment.
I just want the problem resolved.
I'm tired of the pain and the strength issue is also very annoying.
Thats all for now.