(no subject)

Sep 18, 2004 22:13

Today was kind of boring. I hate the days where I want to do something, but the fact that I have NO energy.......stops me.

Anyways...I woke up at 8am to get ready for band (yet again) because we were marching in the Harrison Rally Day Parade. I forgot that my mom couldn't take me so I had to get a ride from Scott and by the time I was ready it was 9am and he usually arrives at my house 5 minutes before we have to be there. (( He's getting his liscense on Tuesday so this should help! )) So I had to call my mom and she came BACK to get me which she really wasn't too happy about. I JUST got there as the buses were pulling into the Commodore Building area. Funny now that I think about it. It wasn't bad. There was a cool breeze outside so that we weren't sweating and we didn't even have to wear our hats which make us like 10 times hotter. Plus, I didn't have to see much of Adam because there was no time. So yeah...we marched and then finished and I hopped on my mom's float for her work so that I could head back to the car to change. I went back to the car and then got my jacket and shoes and purse and just walked around with my mom and my sister for a bit. I haven't seen them in a long time so it wasn't that bad spending time with them..(surprisingly). We ate at Casa Barron's and then I caught up with Carestin, Cassie, Emily, and Sam. I didn't stay with them for very long because I just decided I wanted to go home. But I did catch Pat ( :) ) and J.D. for a bit. So I walked around with them for a little while and then headed back to where my mom and sister were. We went back to the car and on the way we stopped in this store and my mom bought me this little flower that goes on my jacket :). It's pink.....I was super happy! ( I am broke myself. ) But I really wanted these really cool bracelets and my mommy wouldn't get me one of those :(. That's okay though........I shall find one! I got $20 today for my birthday (lol...which was awhile ago!!), but hey..it's money! So I came home and I was reading through my yearbook when I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer and crashed on my bed for about 2 hours. When I woke up I was completely out of it, but I feel better now. I had dinner and watched T.V. and that was really all I did. It's frusterating being grounded from the phone for a month (yes and month)..because no one can call you to tell you what they're doing. That's okay..I really wasn't up for much today. And at least I have the internet I suppose. So all of a sudden the phone rings and when I find out my mom isn't going to answer it I jump up to get it and it's Woody :). LoL.....wanting to hang out at 9pm! Since I figured my mom wouldn't run me over there (he was with Jeff so I wouldn't be by myself) and I didn't know where Cassie or Carestin was (both supposedly weren't picking up their phones and Cassie wasn't online) I just told him that we could hang out tommorrow. He's a pretty cool kid!

Tomorrow's kind of busy though because I have a lot to take care of around the house. Before I can do anything I have to clean my room and mow the lawn. It's some deal I have with my mom because I owe her (A LOT) of money and this is how I'm paying her back since she usually hires people to mow it. I HATE mowing the freaking lawn...it's so draining and it gets so hot, but hopefully I'll get some sort of tan ;). Not to mention I have to go shopping for some school supplies and I have homework that I HAVE to work on. I hate how band can be so time consuming. Tomorrow is also the walk for the cure and I really wanted to go to support it, but it's early and I seriously need at least ONE day that I can just SLEEP IN! It's the weekend and I still feel like I'm running around from the week. So we shall see how tomorrow goes.

Monday is dance again. I'm kind of looking forward to it, yet I'm nervous. I've been practicing and stretching and walking as much as I can to prepare myself for it since I'm pretty out of shape and not very flexible, but I still need to regain my coordination. There's a lot of things you can lose by taking off a full year of dance. Frusterating.......

I'll stop there...haha I have to have something to write about for tomorrow. I do have a few things on my mind, but whatever I'll get over it......really too personal to put in here. So until tomorrow.......................Adios!

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