Mar 19, 2005 22:58

So besides my survey, I had a fun past two days.  Yesterday, Me, Doan, and Lauren went on a journey to Swansea.  We hit up New York Chinese Buffet, which was sketch on the outside but wonderful delightlful and pleantiful on the inside.  YUM... then we went to the Swansea Mall which we expected to be ghetto, but it was quite nice, and I bought a very nice outfit at AE which I wore today!  Then we saw the boy's play, he was amazing, the show was amazing, it was good to see him too.

Today was very fun I must say ... spent 10.5 hours with Lauren, doing centerpieces, shopping, centerpieces, shopping, not buying a FOCO bag and wallet, shopping, centerpieces, doans bday celebration, and shopping, and home.  It was fun and very productive.  Now I'm preying to the Gods that I will see Ben tomorrow, but I just found that the train doesn't go to Providence on the weekends, so unless he can get to South Attleboro, I'm screwed... hmm... we'll see!

okay thats all


Name: James Shea

What show are you currently doing: Go, Dog. Go!
What is your part: Director

Last show you auditioned for: Schoolhouse Rock LIVE!
Did you get a part: yes, but then I resigned

Favorite role and from what show: Javert (Les Mis)
Least favorite role and from what show: Tony (West Side Story)
What was your very first show: Well, it all begain WAY WAY WAY back when in 1st grade, but the first community theater show was "Annie" when I was 11.  (I then came to do "Annie" 4 more times since)

Have you ever had a dance solo: YUP!  Footloose, Let's Hear it for the boy!

Have you ever had a singing solo: Countless times

Have you ever been the last person to take a bow: You bet, and it is THE GREATEST feeling in the world!

Scariest part of an audition would be: When they make you sing somthing from the show you've never heard

Best part of auditions would be: Singing

Name a show you would never do again: Annie, Joseph, Music Man, Guys and Dolls, Mame, Camelot

Name a show you could do for years: Footloose and Les Mis

Name a show you would love to do but have never been in: Lion King (SCAR)

What is the WORST musical ever: Oklahoma, Hello Dolly, Camelot,

What are you auditioning for next: FOOTLOOSE ... and I CAN'T WAIT!

What is your most memorable performance: I guess once again I would have to say Les Mis

Whats something embarrassing or unexpected that happened to you while onstage: Nothing embarrassing, but unexpected would be during Les Mis when I jumped off the bridge and twisted my ankle and limped away in pain.

Who is the most difficult person (onstage or off) that you ever had to work with: Probally Brianna, LOL (offstage... its tough being a personal assistant to Ms. McKinney)

Who has been your greatest inspiration of influence concerning theatre: Lots of people, Ms. Silverstein, Andy Geary, Connie Clinton, Ms. Lellock

If you could be a rich porn star actor or a struggling theatre actor which would you be: Too tough to choose...

Onstage have you ever...
a) Been killed? You bet (West Side Story)
b) Been drunk / stoned?: Uh huh (Rumors)
c) Played someone half your age? Yep (Charlie Brown)
d) Played someone twice your age? Yes again (Javert)
e) Cried?: Attempted!
f) Fired a gun?: I was shot (West Side Story)
g) Driven a car? I wish!
h) Been drenched?: I dropped water on myself!
i) Been in a dream sequence?: Ugh yes... (Fiddler)
j) Been kissed?: Yeah (Footloose, West Side Story, Cinderella, Grease)

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