Six hours later and the patio finally has its complete first coat of fresh paint. I would have disliked doing it less if it hadn't been so darn hot. 30C, but on the wooden patio directly hit by sunlight it was more like 36C-40C. However, the ugly, peeling grey paint is gone and it's now nice and white and clean. There's a second coating to do, but I'll have help tomorrow and I won't have to sand everything this time. Woot!
So now I'm cheering myself up with kitty pictures. Indiana Jones seems to be enjoying his new home and family, sleeps on my pillow and annoys the bejeesus out of the lady cat, but in a typical kitten way, not a bad, all-out-hate-fighting way. Really, she should know by now that twitching her tail in annoyance will only incite more pouncing on said tail.
And of course I will share. Unfortunately he's rarely still and likes to play with the camera shoved in his face, so for now I only have two half-decent pictures.
He's now 3 months and 3 weeks old and weighs 5lbs (more now, most likely). And it's not a trick of the flash or perspective; he really does have very big paws. I love 'em. <3
And yes, he was sleeping in that position. Deeply, even, which explains why I managed to snag a decent picture. Cat, have you no shame?
Let's just say both cats are much happier now with the AC installed.