I was bored, so I ganked this from
animama .
People who have been tagged must write answers on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new, original question.
1. Make a list of 5 things that you can see without getting up.
Table lamp, how fun. Noise-cancelling headphones (essential for the loudest dorm parties when the earplugs don't cut it by themselves), PSP, wallet and salsa (the nachos are already gone).
2. How many times have you changed your hairstyle in the past five years?
I've dyed my hair the same color every time I had the money for it. Does that count as changing?
3. Provide a completely useless fact about yourself.
My toes crack when I walk.
4. What's your favorite anime?
Cowboy Bebop. Depressing towards the end, but lovely nonetheless.
5. Which websites are your daily stops?
La Presse (newspaper), LJ, a few daily webcomics, school's email website
6. What's your favorite mystical creature?
They move around. But I will be tacky and say it likely is the dragon. I love reptiles, especially if they're big, and dragons are giant flying, fire-breathing lizards!
7. What are you thinking about right now?
Haven't had time to be bored in a while.
8. Write the first word that comes to mind.
9. What musician is your favorite to see in concert?
I don't go to concerts except thematic ones like Video Games Live or japanese drummers.
10. If you found a wallet with $2000 in it, would you keep or return it?
Return it, darn you conscience.
11. What was the last thing that you bought?
12. What other countries have you been to (if any)?
USA, Mexico, Venezuela, Guatemala, Scotland, Italy, Poland, soon-to-be Lithuania! And the Netherlands in June!
13. What are you procrastinating on by filling out this meme?
Compiling a badly done survey we will have to make up half of the statistics for to make it look plausible.
14. Last book you've read?
Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams. Why can't I find or order Blackout from Rob Thurman over here???
15. What are you doing this weekend?
Going to Lithuania!
16. What is your song of choice RIGHT NOW? The one you select when you kick off your playlist in the morning or whenever.
I have to choose???
17. Favourite movie of the last six months?
Last six...I honestly can't say. I'm not good with timelines like this. Older movies come to mind (Star Treck, How to Train your Dragon, Avatar)
18. Favorite season?
19. Which part of this year are you looking forward to the most?
I'm right in it! But short-term, my mother, aunt and sister coming to visit me in Poland.
20. Best thing this year so far?
Studying in Poland and traveling almost every weekend and little schoolwork and studying actually needed to pass said courses. >.>
And I tag whoever is bored and needs a meme to brighten their day.