Meme; 15 things you didn't care to know about my fics.

Nov 12, 2010 15:09

1. Which is your favorite fic?
That's a tough one. I think "Proper Use of Knowledge", but not so much for its quality than because it's shameless Screw-You-Canon-I-Will-Still-Make-It-Happen, without even screwing with you!

2. Which is your best-received fic? "In Middle Earth' was well-appreciated (why??) and, according to the Pit, is still the one with the most reviews, but its number of chapters is a little misguiding. More recently "Space Troopers" is getting more popular, but if we're sticking to ratios, of "Curly Hair and Materia" is the most-reviewed one out there.

3. Which is your worst-received fic? I got a few bad reviews for the clumsy "A Past Behind the Mask", but I can't really remember another one in particular, so I guess that's the one. As far as we're talking of lack of attention, "Cat Fight" is about completely ignored.

4. Which is your angstiest fic? "Seeing You Off", hands down. It was made to be sad and angsty with someone important dying.

5. Which is your funniest fic? I guess any of my two Mary Sue-bashing fics, "A Marye Sue! Run!" and "Cat Fight". I'm really bad at writing humor stories.

6. Smuttiest? "Don't Judge a Book by its Cover", Kakashi/Iruka, down on Somewhere. I also have a smutty drabble with a Dagger/Zidane/Kuja threesome doing the funnies under a table while talking to someone, but I'll be damned if I can find it again. It's on LJ. Somewhere. Oh. And that slightly disturbing Rufus/Jenova tentacle porn. Once again, lost somewhere on my journal.

7. Fluffiest? I vaguely recall fluffy drabbles, but if we're talking of stories, that would be "Bonhomme de Neige". Kakashi and Iruka play in the snow.

8. Have you ever made someone cry with a fic? Apparently "Seeing you Off" has. Then again, Deathfic, that was the whole point.

9. Which fic frustrates you the most? GENDERVERSE YOU GODDAMN *#&?*?(*& TALK TO ME.

10. Which fic was the most fun to write? If I don't enjoy what I'm writing, I just don't. But I know I had a lot of fun playing around with Nanaki with some of the shorts in "The Eyes of the Beast".

11. Who is your favorite OC you've ever created? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Aster, from NaNo 2008 and now 2010. And his buddy Lyre. It's more the duo than the individuals I love.

12. Are you better at oneshots or multiparts? Oneshots. I have so much trouble seeing a sizeable multipart to its end, I don't know why I insist on trying. "Ripples in a Pond" is a sad example of it and the first story I'm considering to drop.

13. What character do you think you're the best at portraying? I dunno. Someone would have to point it out to me.

14. What character is the most difficult to portray? Characters I have trouble being interested in, but that's maybe obvious.

15. Tag five other authors! Whoever feels like it. I'm no tyrant. :P


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