Long awaited?

Feb 10, 2009 23:10

What is this "Livejournal" you speak of? Oh yes, once upon a time I used to ramble endlessly about school, work, and life in general. It had become tradition to write every Wednesday night as I sat in ABU's soundbooth, as I had nothing better to do anyway. Well there's no more school to write about, life in the apartment is pretty normal, and work is just great. Really not much to say. But I'm bored, so I'll eek something out of somewhere...
Working at Sobeys is getting better. Sitting in the office for 8 hours a day is a lot better than standing at a cash with annoying customers for 6. Even though I've only been working there 14 months (only 10 months when I got the promotion), I'm basically 4th-in-command of the cashiers. The interesting part is that the Assistant Front End manager, and the one right below her are going on maternity leave this summer meaning that I'm pretty much next in line for the Assistant FE manager position (provided they can't find anyone better qualified who wants to come from another store). So it looks like I may be getting a 2nd promotion after only 16 months of working there.
The apartment is now pretty much mine except officially. Somewhere, someone is dragging their butts in getting deposits in the right place. Therefore Josh hasn't received his deposit back, I haven't received my last payment due me, and my lease has not yet been written up. Other than that, most of the old furniture is gone and a lot of new furniture has arrived courtesy my grandparents who are moving soon.
Most of my life outside of work consists of me sitting in my chair (one of the few Hirtle-era pieces of furniture remaining) either surfing the internet or taking random unscheduled naps. And speaking of sleep, I ought to go get some since I start work in a bit over 7 hours from now. So until next time (which will probably be several months down the road), this is JamesyWamesy signing off.

work, me

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