The busy week is over

Apr 02, 2008 21:06

Paper for Bodner and Greek midterm on the same week. I only have two courses, but I left the work for both until the same week. I was hoping to have my Greek midterm either during or immediately after March Break, but I fell behind because of the new job taking a lot of time, and the move. Anyway, at least they're done! And now I just have 6 more chapters to do in 3 weeks, write the final, get it all sent in, and have the transcript sent back to ABU all before Apr 25th. At least there's nothing else to worry about with 2Sam until the exam on Apr 17, but then it's over and done with. Apr 22 begins a 7-week study on Revelation in youth group and I was asked if I could teach some of the lessons, which I'm excited for, but don't have a lot of time to prepare for. And it's gonna be tricky to do too, it's not exactly the kind of thing you do for a youth group, but a few kids requested it, so we're doing it, and I'll have fun with it too.

I know some other stuff happened these last 2 weeks, but I can't think of what they were... I went running yesterday with Tyler and Shawn, and today I'm sore! I figured we'd do like 4 or 5 km as we usually do and it's bad enough because it's a hilly run, but Shawn had the bright idea of running to and around Gunningsville Blvd making almost a total of 8k. I was dead long before I reached the end, and today I'm paying for it with a sore arch (I have fallen arches and yesterday made it worse) and my legs are very stiff. And that's all I have to report today I guess. Until next time, this is JamesyWamesy signing off.

school, procrastination, me

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