Sorry for the rip off last week

Dec 05, 2007 18:44

So several people expressed their great discontent at how short my post was last week. Now back to your regularly scheduled ramble! Not much really happened last week anyway, so you didn't miss much. It would have just been me complaining about all two of my term papers, one of which was done by then. So yes, as of past Thursday, I am term paper free until next semester. That means I need to start working on my Greek since I've been slacking on that during paper writing week.

As for this past week, I've finally started working at Sobeys. I'm really regretting choosing Sobeys over ValueVillage now. I had my training Friday night (missing part of my youth group's all nighter), and my first (and only) real shift at Northwest Centre today, and now I wait until the new Sobeys at Highfield calls me to tell me my schedule for there.

Friday night/Saturday morning was crazy busy and crazy fun and crazy crazy! After six hours of training at Sobeys I joined my youth group for 'Blooperbowl,' since we opted not to go to Superbowl. They had already been to a Wildcats game earlier and I joined them at MX Karting at 11:30. I was too late to get a chance to race since the second last race was in progress and the last group was already chosen and getting their gear on. At midnight we went to Fairlanes Bowling at Riverview, and after a devotional and pizza, I totally rocked with a whopping high score of 68 *ahem*! As we were finishing up our second and last string (I don't even want to embarrass myself by mentioning the score on that one), we noticed the huge snowflakes gently falling. By the time we left at 3:00 there was a good inch or two of unplowed snow on the roads. So slowly we made our way back to the church in Lower Coverdale for a movie/nap. We watched Batman Begins, but since nothing was set up ahead of time, everyone's favorite audio-visual technician got the projector and soundboard ready as fast as possible. We were still late leaving around 6:30am instead of 6am. We divided the youth among the 4 vehicles to take them home. I had 4 in my car and dropped the first one off on the main road in Riverview with no problem. The road there had been plowed recently enough. The next one lived near Centennial Park, two streets off of St. George, meaning limited plowing. But that wasn't the worst, Wheeler was a mess! The third youth lived way out in Irishtown and that road was so slush covered, I was fishtailing all over the place! Finally I dropped off the last one near Frampton after 8:00 (yes, it took over 1.5 hours to drive what should have been about 45 minutes to an hour). [And some random person just gave me a free Red Bull!] By the time I got home there was close to a foot of snow on the ground. Oh, and I swung a nice 180 trying to slow down for a snowplow to pass! Then I went home and slept until 3!

Sunday night there was a worship service at ABU to which I remembered to go for the first time this semester. In case you're wondering, I didn't have to show up since I wasn't running sound. But I've been meaning to go so I could scan cards. Then Monday I went to Fredericton with Joshua to keep him company as he dropped off his passport application. Yesterday... STORM! After shovelling Edith Samuel's driveway with Laurie I came home to shovel out our own driveway. And that's pretty much the exciting stuff that happened this week. So until next time this is JamesyWamesy signing off!
PS. If anyone is wanting to hear Christmas songs (even if they aren't the best of quality) Dennis' team is leading worship tomorrow.

work, school, ramble

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