Three weeks later...

Oct 31, 2007 19:22

Sorry for the lack of update, I haven't been in the soundbooth on a Wednesday night for a while. Two Wednesdays ago I was in Halifax stuffing my face with Montana's ribs after playing some paintball for Mike's bachelor party. It was certainly a lot more fun than sitting in the soundbooth for 5 hours. Dan, Mike, and I took on Pam's Dad Mike, Uncle Bob, and brother Matthew in probably about 20 games of woodsball and speedball. Besides wedding stuff, most of the week was spent in front of the XBox on projector screen. The wedding was nice and the food was great!

Then last week, the chapel schedule was rearraged so worship practice was Sunday night for worship chapel on Tuesday. I could have brought Lappy then for a soundbooth post, but only one team decided to practice so I didn't bother. So since I didn't have to be in the soundbooth I just hung around being my usual lazy self.

Midterm weeks were quite easy despite fearing the worst. I knew Bodner's 1Sa test last Thursday would be easy enough since he had given us about 3/4 of the short answer questions already and went over both of the essay questions. He asked for 4 pages for each essay, but I was only able to write about 2 1/3 for each. It was probably my worst midterm this semester (which probably won't be that bad). The Arch midterm was the one I (along with most) greatly feared. We had about 8 pages of definitions to memorize, a chronology of dates to memorize, 6 weeks of vague notes to review, and 8 chapters from 2 textbooks to be familiar with (I read 3 1/2). The test was actually quite easy. Graves gave us only an hour to write it, but I was done in like 25 minutes as it comprised writing 5 of a choice of 13 definitions, the dates question, a couple lists, a few short answers, and 10 true/false, quite easy. I was hoping to have written my Greek midterm last Tuesday with the ABU class, but it didn't get here from Briercrest in time, so I wrote it yesterday. I had it finished in about 50 minutes, another quite easy one. So now it's time to start working on term papers I suppose.

Well, I think that's all I have to write for now. I'm really hungry as I only had time for a small bowl of KD this evening, so I think I'm going to go to McDonald's for the hour break that Greg/Marissa's team isn't practicing in. Andrew's team is playing tomorrow and they sound really good, come hear them (if you still go to ABU)... Ya, so until next time, this is JamesyWamesy signing off.

work, friends, school, ramble

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