Nov 08, 2003 14:59
I've been wanting to write lately, because I feel like there is something burning inside of me that needs to come out. It's like there is some kind of universal injustice going on beneath the surface, something that cannot be described adequately; due either to the distractions of the day-to-day, or to the meager repertoire of words and phrases that our language currently holds. I feel an incessant desire to yield rhetoric that, while seemingly verbose, might bring forth the abstract ideas hidden in the subconscious of our minds.
"Something vague that we're not seeing. Something more like a feeling." --Bright Eyes -- "Something Vague"
I can't get my finger on topics. I can't locate the idea even though I've been swimming through my mind for a few hours now.
I sometimes think that the study of etymology or linguistics would be incredibly rewarding. This idea is problematic due to the fact that most of the people whom I wish to speak to, the corporate media consuming American public, are, for the most part, too mentally inept to understand words with complex meaning. Therefore, stretching ones mind to be able to describe the "hidden complexities of injustice" is nearly in vain. Is it a rewarding endeavor? Possibly, but social change is the goal, and if it is not achieved then the study of linguistics is only mental masturbation.