Okay, first, a few apologies:
maladr1n: I've been out of the loop lately. Didn't realize you were having hernia surgery. Get better soon!
To everyone else: I've not had Internet access at my house for quite some time. Turns out Bright House wants money for that shit. Who knew? I work two jobs and I can barely afford my rent, so access to teh Intarweb has to take a back seat. I'm at
spydog's house doing this update. The apology's for not saying anything at all on here for almost three months. I miss you guys!!!
Work? Subbing managed to turn into no-shit teaching because one of the teachers in the English department at Tech quit. I ended up teaching her class and getting paid sub wages for it, so while the experience was invaluable, I'm still livin' la vida broca. Starbucks is finally starting to pay pretty nicely though. I make almost as much there as I do subbing, when tips are included in the math. They're both pretty fun. Some of my kids gave me holiday gifts & cards & stuff. Warm fuzzies:-)
Starbucks tends to beat me up physically and make me stink of coffee. /Captain obvious.
But it's fun. I work with nice people. And it makes me think of Kitefliers all the time, which makes me smile.
If my love life were a star, it'd be a black dwarf. I am *horrifically* lonely. *Shrug*.
As for the politics I can never seem to stop talking about? I saw the John Dean quote you posted,
splattworld. Good stuff.
Mr. Bush, I have this to say to you:
Spy on this, you piece of shit!!!
The President of the United States is now an enemy of the Constitution I swore an oath to uphold, protect and defend. There are many who swore the same oath with training to make the man and his Voldemort Vice President very unsafe should they get within a thousand open yards of them.
Gentlemen (I refer specifically to those people whom my country has seen fit to endow with expertise in swift, violent killing), Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney have fucked over our Army and your Corps by sending us into a guerilla land war in Asia to lose our souls again because neither of them were man enough to go over and fight when we got fucked like this the last time.
Now they have openly declared themselves enemies of the Bill of Rights. You know, the moral backbone of the Constitution we all swore oaths to.
Should any of you or several of you decide to pop their empty heads like overripe melons, the soul of our country, which has been left to rot by these assholes, would owe you a debt. Barrett .50-Cal sniper rifles are commerically available.
Good hunting.
Caveat: if the necessary number of Congresscritters sees fit to impeach his ass for this shit, so much the better. Public humiliation is always more fun than violent death. But the latter is still okay, if it's the only option available.
And you know what? They can get the President of Iran, too, while they're at it. I mean, as long as we're taking out guys with access to nuclear weapons and no grip whatsoever on reality. Iran's president denied the reality of the Holocaust. Ours continues to insist that invading Iraq was the right thing. The events are not in dispute, and are not equal, but their perceptions of the respective events are equally divorced from reality.