19 days and counting down

Jul 06, 2005 09:46

Wow life has been hectic. Ive been working with the National Guard almost every day, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

19 days left until I ship out to Fort leonard wood.

Here a brief list of what those 20 days will hold.

Thursday I work with the Sergeants
Friday I leave for California for 6 days
When I get back I go camping for 2 days
After that I relax, spend time with friends for a few days
Get my personal stuff here at the hosue put in boxes,so when I get back I can load up and move into my own apartment.
July 23/24 I have Drill, and I leave the morning of the 25th

July 26th I report in at 0800 to Reception at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and I'll be there for 19 weeks. Then I go to Air Assault School. Then I come home..unless I get accepted to another school.

On a side note, congratulations to Private Matthew Holm, newly enlisted National Guardsmen, who will be stationed at Detatchment 1, 210th Miitary Police Company upon completion of his Basic training and AIT. Welcome to the family Matt.

If you wouldl ike me to write to you while I am at Fort Leonard wood, heres what I need from you:

Full Name
City, St, Zip

Feel free to email the info to me - JV_Actor@hotmail.com
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