Go Bears!!!

Nov 22, 2005 09:20

So I was in the Bay Area this past weekend. Got to see Lyss, and we had crappy burrito together, oops excuse me, I had the crappy burrito by myself while Lyss watched me suffer. I almost couldn't finish that Una Mas burrito. It's more like no-va-una-mas burrito. San Diego still has the best Mexican food!! I'm sure gonna miss that when I go up to Berkeley. I borrowed my mom's cousin's car for the weekend and drove myself around the Bay Area. I must have gotten lost at least 20 times just trying to get to places. It took me about 30 minutes to get from Berkeley to SFSU, but it took me almost an hour to get back to Berkeley. I missed my exit and ended up in San Francisco downtown. The average speed there was like 5mph. And there were a bunch of one ways. I'm never gonna drive in the Bay Area again. And then parking in Berkeley is difficult too. I circled around campus for 30 minutes and couldn't find a parking spot. I also got a $30 parking ticket on the last day because my meter time ran out. Aside from all that, my weekend away from home was okay. Berkeley beat Stanford in the Big Game!! That makes up for everything. The final score was 27-3, four touch downs vs. one field goal. At the game, the separation of red and blue is so obvious that you would feel uncomfortable if you are walking in the wrong area. Although we beat Stanford on the football field, their T-shirts were way funnier than ours. The best one we got was "Buck Stanford", and I don't like it very much personally. There was one T-shirt that says "On the 8th day, God created Cal, and then He saw that it sucked. ~ Genesis 2: 8" I thought that was a good one. And then there's another one with Stanford written out in Gatorade's font, and under it says "Are you in it?" I cracked myself up at that one. (I know, it's pretty sad that I'm laughing at my own school, but hey, I'm still in SD, not officially a Berkeley student yet!) And then there's another that says "We both got into Cal", I thought that one was pretty mean too. Mayber I should help design funnier T-shirts for the next Big Game, which is going to be held at Berkeley. I definitely won't miss that one! And I hope Lisa can be there to cheer with us too!! Go Bears! My friend Crystal and I almost got lost at Stanford's parking lot. We were too busy counting the number of Toyota Prius in the parking lot that we forgot where we parked. Luckily, on our way back, we found the Priuses that we were counting, and we just followed them back to our car. It was so amazing. And then from Stanford's parking lot, I had to drive for 5 minutes to get out into the streets. I didn't know where I was, so I followed the car in front of me. It led me onto the freeway and we finally got back safely that night. Thank God for the Prius, otherwise we might have been stuck in Stanford forever.
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