Mar 03, 2006 16:27
I'm completely fucked off, pissed off and everyother kind of 'off' you can think of.
Because earlier this week I was told I had lost my job at the NINO Allocation Team, something I'd been doing since last July.
I really loved that job, the whole team were great to work with, helpful and made going to work a real pleasure. Now I have to start all over again. I spoke to my Manager earlier and he said he could give me a job with his team, but it would only be temporary. In other words, I could be back to signing on every two weeks!!!!!!
Just how can things keep going so fuckin' wrong for me?!?!? All I want is a bit of stability in my work. Is that too much to ask?
Some overpaid twat in a plush office made the decision which way my future goes with the cross of a pen on a piece of paper.
Things right now are really rock bottom and black for me and I don't know which way to go, but who cares as long as the DWP meets it's target of making 1000's redundant?
This has hurt me so much, I can't put it into words except to say I feel let down, betrayed and shit on.
From a very great height.
I can't think of anything else to write so i'll leave it there for now, except to say I could do with a few words of support and help.
My wife, as always is a great support right now and been there for me when things have been crap, and I thank her for that.