Thought Police and the end to free speech

Feb 20, 2008 21:04

When is freedom of thought and freedom of speech not free? When you are told what to think and what to say. That's what happened to me at work today.

This came about after my manager had to speak to a customer after I had put the phone down. Reason was because the customer used a word I find offensive after I had asked him not and warned him I would put the phone down if he continued to do so. But he repeated it within seconds so down went the phone.

What did he say that I found so offensive? Cock up. I have a zero tolerance policy towards bad language and let any customers who use bad language I will not tolerate it. Most people then apologize and carry on without any further bad language. Not this one though.

I was later taken into a side office by my manager and told that I had no good reason for putting the phone down just because I found a word offensive. Apparently because this word is used in everyday language I had no reason to find it offensive. I replied I thought we lived in a democracy where we have the right to freedom of speech and thought, or does that not that apply in the department I work for?  My manager then told me she thinks I need a refresher course on customer service as she thinks I lack the skills I need to do my job properly.

To say I was stunned is a huge understatement! I reminded her that I had spent many years dealing with customers face to face and no training course would ever be able to give me the skills those years have.

We both came out of the little chat without neither of us backing off. I was in a really foul mood but I didn't let this interfere  with my work, being helpful and polite every time the phone rang.

I  will never let anyone tell me what I can or can't consider offensive and will continue to tell customers I will end the call if they continue to swear.

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